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1 Rookie


8 Posts


May 2nd, 2019 13:00

Dell Data Security Cylance

We have an on premise installation of Dell Data Security, that we are currently using to manage encryption on our SED drives.

One feature it also has (apparently) is Cylance.  But I am not sure what we actually need to do to use it.  I have the built in 10 "Cylance" licenses - and tried turning on the Policies for my Laptop to test.  But I don't see anything on the client computer.  I am guessing therefore that I need an additional Agent?  

Anyone using the product that can provide some insight?


156 Posts

May 8th, 2019 09:00

Hi Tupelo4113!

I hope things are going well for you with the Dell Encryption solution.

The Dell Security Management Server can indeed manage the Dell variant of Cylance, which is sold and marketed as "Dell Endpoint Security Suite Enterprise", aka "ESSE". This product requires special licenses, which can be seen within the Dell Security Management Server under Management -> License Management. Here's an example from one of our test servers:


If we have licenses populated within the Dell Security Management Server (DSMS), we can configure the DSMS to provision a Cylance environment to allow for communication from the DSMS to Cylance, allowing endpoint activation and registration, therefore allowing protection. 

You can find more information on that process here:

Once a Cylance tenant is bound to the DSMS, we can install the clients for ESSE onto the device to enable the protection on the endpoints. More information on the install for the endpoints here:

Let us know if you need any clarification for this, or have any questions :) 

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