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1 Rookie


3 Posts


July 10th, 2024 14:57

Unacceptable Delay in Laptop Delivery

I am writing to express my deep frustration and disappointment regarding the delay in the delivery of my laptop, Order Number <Your private information was removed from this public post. DELL-Admin>. I have been eagerly waiting for this laptop since July 2nd, and today is July 10th. Despite my repeated inquiries, I have not received any clear explanation for the delay. It is incredibly disheartening to experience such poor service from Dell, a company I have trusted and respected for many years. The lack of communication and updates from your side has only added to my frustration. Each time I reach out, I am simply asked to wait for an update from the logistics team, which is not an acceptable solution given the circumstances. I urgently need my laptop, and this delay is causing significant inconvenience and disruption to my plans. I request that you take action to resolve this issue and provide me with a concrete update on the status of my delivery. I hope you understand the gravity of this situation and the impact it has on your customers. Please prioritize my order and ensure that it is delivered to me without any further delays.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and resolution.

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 10th, 2024 15:09

I ordered a laptop on the EXACT same day bro, July 2nd, the maximum delivery date was July 16th and then revised to July 10. For days on end, the status was stuck on order processing and not moving. So I reached out to Support on chat session. I was assisted by a Mukesh who said it was coming from China and just had to clear Customs. Since Customs almost always takes weeks or months, I mentioned my concern. He reassured me, it would be July 10 delivery date. I even said, if it don't come, I may have to cancel.

WEll yesterday, suddenly and surprisingly, I got notification that Fedex received the package and it was in their hands moving down the line. That was a pleasant surprise. Apparantly Customs in Chicago ISC just cleared it last evening. The delivery date should be tommorow. So let's wait and see if that comes. And if everything in the order is correct and nothing broken or missing. Still a bit nervous.

But dont worry, be patient, and I'm sure you will get it real soon.



25.4K Posts

July 10th, 2024 15:30


Thank you for contacting Dell.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused to you.

We'll surely check this for you. We have sent you a private message. Kindly, reply to it with the requested information so that we can review and assist you further.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 11th, 2024 17:48

@Zeker623​ It looks like you're lucky, bro. I've seen many people in the community facing similar issues with shipment and delivery. We're not the only ones dealing with this problem. What I don't understand is how a reputable company like Dell can allow so many people to suffer without taking any action.

Anyway, I hope you have received your laptop by now.

In my case, after repeated inquiries, I was informed that my order was lost in transit according to the logistics team. They mentioned that they also need approval from the verification team. They offered me either a replacement or a full refund. I requested them to send a replacement laptop immediately using one-day shipping and prioritize my order to ensure it is delivered via priority mail. However, I have not received any response from them since then. I am eagerly awaiting their response and resolution.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 11th, 2024 17:49

@DELL-Cares​ Any update on my request please?

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