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June 12th, 2018 22:00

Employment verification - Dell EMC

What's the number to reach a human in HR? Or an email address somebody will respond?

I've been directed to theworknumber customer service phone line (awful!) and I could not pass the credit related check. I could not use the theworknumber website because I don't have the account set up before.

My managers all left EMC, I'm desperate getting the employment verification!


3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts

June 15th, 2018 03:00

Hi @CyT00000

To get in touch with Human Resources, please follow the instructions below :-

Post employment queries/ Alumni:

For all HR related queries for team members who have left Dell, please click on the below link and to follow the instructions that are outlined within the email


Post Employment Queries

If clicking this link does not open your email program, it means you may not have set up the default email program on your device.  Instead of using the link, you can simply send us an email to and use this exact email subject:  Dell Alumni Question-Do not change email subject

We recommend you copy and paste that email subject into your email to avoid a typo.  In the email body, please tell us your name, your Dell Employee ID number, the country in which you were based, and your query.  An HR representative will then be in contact with you soon to deal with your query.


2 Posts

July 30th, 2018 14:00

Hi, Could you please let me know how to reach someone in HR for this letter? I have sent an email to the above address but have not heard back from anyone yet.

Thank you for your help.

3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts

July 31st, 2018 05:00


Hi, I'm afraid I don't have a direct link to someone in HR to check this. I'll drop you a private message for more information.


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