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2 Posts


November 16th, 2023 07:17

vRO plugin for PowerMax 2.0 Discovery issue


We are using vRO plugin for PowerMax 2.0 along with U4P 10.x. We are able to discover all arrays, but after discovery not able to browse the array for any storage groups. If we select an array it keeps rotating the cursor without any response.

2 Posts

November 22nd, 2023 13:31

Able to create storage device through vRO successfully. But browsing of array for host group/storage group fails to return any output.

While creating Datastore on a 100G device, it fails with message "The specified datastore capacity is greater than the maximum available on the disk". Somehow the newly created device size is identified as 99.9993896484375 GB instead of 100GB and same time try to create 100GB Data store which ends up with above message. It is weird that the device capacity identified as  99.9993896484375 GB instead of 100GB. I do not see this issue with 50GB device.

vRO fails to create data store with message 

2023-11-22 11:47:11.828 +03:00infoFound host disk for datastore: EMC Fibre Channel Disk (naa.60000970000297900891533030314333), disk capacity: 99.9993896484375

2023-11-22 11:47:11.848 +03:00info__item_stack:/item0

2023-11-22 11:47:11.867 +03:00info__item_stack:/item0/item3

2023-11-22 11:47:13.028 +03:00infoDisk name EMC Fibre Channel Disk (naa.60000970000297900891533030314333)

2023-11-22 11:47:13.029 +03:00infoDevice path /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.60000970000297900891533030314333

2023-11-22 11:47:13.030 +03:00infoDisk capacity 99.9993896484375 GB - requested capacity 100 GB

2023-11-22 11:47:13.045 +03:00info__item_stack:/item0/item2

2023-11-22 11:47:13.053 +03:00info__item_stack:/item7

2023-11-22 11:47:13.067 +03:00errorWorkflow execution stack: *** item: 'Provision VMFS Datastores to ESXi Cluster/item7', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'The specified datastore capacity is greater than the maximum available on the disk! (Workflow:Add datastore on iSCSI_FC_local SCSI / Find available disk (item3)#14)' workflow: 'Provision VMFS Datastores to ESXi Cluster' (

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