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1 Rookie


2 Posts


March 7th, 2024 19:30

Python PowerStore library support for pagination (limit and offset)

Hi, I have a Python script that I use with a PowerStore customer for managing volume group clones.  I encountered a problem recently when the total number of volume groups exceeded 100, I found that the get_volume_group_list() command only returned the first 100.

Looking through the PowerStore API documentation, I found the topic 'pagination'.  I'll attach a screen snap, but basically commands return a maximum of 100 items, but that limit can be increased up to 2000 by using the 'limit' parameter.

However, that parameter does not seem to be present in the Python PowerStore library.  I'm looking at what I believe is the latest,  python-powerstore-main-3.0

I'm looking to either implement 'limit' as a parameter, or find a workaround like hard coding a larger limit in the client python library.



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