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November 30th, 2023 11:07

powerstore rest api base_space_metrics_by_appliance usage


i m trying to use base_space_metrics_by_appliance as describe in dell Rest api reference.

the standard rest api works :

{'id': 'A1',
 'model': 'PowerStore 1000T',
 'name': 'XXXXXXXX-appliance-1',
 'software_installed': [{'id': '54027291-XXXXX 670a23aa94',
                         'release_version': ''}]}

But using  this url https://xxxxxxx /api/rest/base_space_metrics_by_appliance

or https://XXXXXXXX/api/rest/base_space_metrics_by_appliance?select=appliance_id

return this error :

exception.PowerStoreException: HTTP code: 403, Forbidden [Not allowed - authorization failure. Error details: {'messages': [{'code': '0xE09040010001', 'severity': 'Error', 'message_l10n': 'You do not have the required authorization to perform this operation.', 'arguments': 

As for the first example, i set the DELL-EMC-TOKEN token in the header.

any clue ?



March 25th, 2024 13:57



In my case there was a problem with auth_cookie header and DELL-EMC-TOKEN.
Starting from the beginning: I've sent GET request /api/rest/login_session and get auth_cookie from set-cookie header. This auth_cookie header was used in other GET requests like api/rest/cluster, api/rest/hardware etc. and it was working fine. But this auth_cookie wasn't working for POST queries like POST api/rest/metrics/generate where body was:

    "entity": "space_metrics_by_cluster",
    "entity_id": "0",
    "interval": "Five_Mins"

So I took the value from DELL-EMC-TOKEN header obtained with GET request /api/rest/login_session and used it in subsequent POST queries and it works now.

I hope that similar situation was in your case and it will resolve your problem.


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