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1 Rookie


12 Posts


July 28th, 2023 15:00

PowerStore Cluster Create Requires LinkLocal Address

PowerStore arrays come with an APIPA link local address on the appliance pair.  This address must be provided during a cluster creation API call.  Presumably to make sure you configure the correct appliance in the even there are multiples.

This address is not always the same.

The only way I can find it is to use the PowerStore discovery tool.  This throws a big kink in fully automated provisioning.  I can use a macro / screeen scraping program to get it out of the discovery tool but that is error prone and makes a GUI constraint.

I could probably scan the APIPA subnet for active IPs but again that could be error prone.

I can't find a programatic way to collect this data from the array itself.  Any ideas?

1 Rookie


9 Posts

July 31st, 2023 04:00

Hi @JasonKirkDenali ,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your query about the link-local address details in a discovered appliance.

Currently, we're not supporting the listing information about unmanaged appliances on the local subnet. But there is a programmatic way to collect this data from the array. You could use the URI module of Ansible, Please use the following playbook syntax:


- hosts: localhost

    powertore_ip: 10.*.*.*
    username: "**"
    password: "**"
    port: 443 # default is 443, if you have configured it on any other port please mention that here.

    - name: Get Discovered appliance
        url: https://{{powertore_ip}}:{{port}}/api/rest/discovered_appliance
        user: "{{username}}"
        password: "{{password}}"
        method: GET
        force_basic_auth: True
        validate_certs: no
      register: discovered_appliance

    - name: Display API response
        var: discovered_appliance


On executing the above playbook you will get the expected data from the array about the link-local address.

If you encounter any issues with this, please feel free to reach out to us.

Thanks and regards,

Bhavneet Sharma



1 Rookie


12 Posts

August 23rd, 2023 18:35


I am seeing strange behavior and there is a lot of time cost when this is incorrect.

Here is an example of what I'm seeing.

PowerStore Discovery Utility reports Link Local Address

The discovered appliance API call returns:

I create a new cluster using and that works fine.
But then the discovery utility shows:


So the appliance has kept that address.

I had an issue when I used the discovered appliance address where cluster create failed.  But that may have been another issue.

Can you tell me, is this normal behavior?  Can I use the discovered appliance Link Local Address for cluster creation even if its different than the link local address the Discovery Utility is using?

1 Rookie


9 Posts

August 29th, 2023 09:53

@JasonKirkDenali​ what response does the


API call returns using the URI module mentioned in the above playbook?

The sample output of this API would be the following:

    "id": "string",
    "link_local_address": "string",
    "service_name": "string",
    "service_tag": "string",
    "state": "Unconfigured",
    "mode": "Unified",
    "model": "string",
    "express_service_code": "string",
    "is_local": true,
    "management_service_ready": true,
    "software_version_compatibility": "Same",
    "build_version": "string",
    "build_id": "string",
    "power_score": 0,
    "node_count": 0,
    "is_unified_capable": true,
    "drive_failure_tolerance_level_and_availability": [
        "level": "Single",
        "availability": "Available",
        "messages": [
            "code": "string",
            "message_l10n": "string"
        "level_l10n": "string"
    "is_hyper_converged": true

The link_local_address parameter will have the valid value of the link-local address of an appliance.

Please, let me know if this info helped you to resolve the issue that you're facing.

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