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2 Posts


October 24th, 2023 13:45

PowerShell Module for Dell PowerMax 2.0 bug?


Get-Srp properties are missing or the result is 0.

PowerShell module output:

NumOfDiskGroups              : 1
Description                  : 
Emulation                    : FBA
ReservedCapPercent           : 10
TotalSrdfDseAllocatedCapGb   : 0
RdfaDse                      : True
DiskGroupId                  : {1}
ExternalCapacityGb           : 0
SrpCapacity                  : 
FbaSrpCapacity               : SrpCapacity {
                                 SubscribedAllocatedTb: 0
                                 SubscribedTotalTb: 0
                                 SnapshotModifiedTb: 0
                                 SnapshotTotalTb: 0
                                 UsableUsedTb: 0
                                 UsableTotalTb: 0
                                 EffectiveUsedCapacityPercent: 0
CkdSrpCapacity               : 
SrpEfficiency                : SrpEfficiency {
                                 CompressionState: Enabled
                                 OverallEfficiencyRatioToOne: 5,3
                                 DataReductionRatioToOne: 4,9
                                 DataReductionEnabledPercent: 96
                                 VirtualProvisioningSavingsRatioToOne: 0
                                 SnapshotSavingsRatioToOne: 0
FbaSrpEfficiency             : 
CkdSrpEfficiency             : 
CompressionState             : 
EffectiveUsedCapacityPercent : 0
ReliabilityState             : Optimal
ServiceLevels                : {Bronze, Diamond, Gold, Optimized...}
Id                           : SRP_1

EffectiveUsedCapacityPercent = 0

Python module output:

    'srpId': 'SRP_1',
    'num_of_disk_groups': 1,
    'emulation': 'FBA',
    'reserved_cap_percent': 10,
    'total_srdf_dse_allocated_cap_gb': 0.0,
    'rdfa_dse': True,
    'reliability_state': 'Optimal',
    'diskGroupId': ['1'],
    'fba_srp_capacity': {
        'provisioned': {'provisioned_tb': 795.52, 'effective_capacity_tb': 715.27, 'provisioned_percent': 111.0},
        'effective': {
            'used_tb': 310.64,
            'total_tb': 715.27,
            'free_tb': 404.63,
            'effective_used_percent': 43.0,
            'target_tb': 715.27,
            'physical_capacity': {'used_tb': 149.31, 'total_tb': 352.81, 'free_tb': 203.5, 'target_tb': 352.81},
            'effective_capacity_resources': {'used_tb': 310.64, 'total_tb': 2535.52, 'free_tb': 2224.88},
            'effective_capacity_usage': {'snapshot_used_tb': 0.51, 'user_used_tb': 310.14, 'free_tb': 404.63}
        'snapshot': {
            'effective_used_percent': 0.0,
            'physical_used_percent': 0.0,
            'resource_used_tb': 0.0,
            'modified_capacity_tb': 0.0,
            'total_capacity_tb': 0.0
        'data_reduction': {
            'data_reduction_ratio_to_one': 4.9,
            'reducing_data_percent': 66.0,
            'savings_tb': 161.33,
            'effective_used': {
                'enabled_and_reducing_tb': 202.39,
                'enabled_and_unreducible_tb': 90.24,
                'enabled_and_unevaluated_tb': 6.31,
                'disabled_and_unreduced_tb': 11.71
            'physical_used': {
                'enabled_and_reducing_tb': 41.06,
                'enabled_and_unreducible_tb': 90.24,
                'enabled_and_unevaluated_tb': 6.31,
                'disabled_and_unreduced_tb': 11.71
    'srp_efficiency': {
        'compression_state': 'Enabled',
        'overall_efficiency_ratio_to_one': 5.3,
        'data_reduction_ratio_to_one': 4.9,
        'data_reduction_enabled_percent': 96.0,
        'unreducible_data_tb': 90.24,
        'reducible_data_tb': 202.39,
        'deduplication_and_compression_savings_tb': 130.8,
        'pattern_detection_savings_tb': 30.54,
        'drr_on_reducible_only_to_one': 4.9
    'service_levels': ['Bronze', 'Diamond', 'Gold', 'Optimized', 'Platinum', 'Silver']

effective_used_percent: 43.0

The latest release of PyU4V is not compatible with or lower.

Unisphere version V10.0.1.7 does not meet the minimum requirement of v10.1.x Please upgrade your version of Unisphere to use this SDK. Exiting...

It's community support for the PowerShell module.

Is it the same for the Python module?


1 Message

October 31st, 2023 21:17

I tested the same Cmdlet and can't regenerate the same error what you got.

PS C:\> Get-Module -Name Dell.PowerMax -ListAvailable | Select-Object Version


$unisphere_da = Connect-Unisphere -HostName -UseSaved

PS C:\EMCPowerMax> Get-Srp -Unisphere $unisphere_da -ArrayId 000120002345 | ft -au

Id    Description Emulation ReservedCapPercent NumOfDiskGroups RdfaDse
--    ----------- --------- ------------------ --------------- -------
SRP_1             FBA       10                 1               True

2 Posts

November 3rd, 2023 09:05

@Fun2Share​ Thank you for the reply.

Run the cmdlet and show all properties.

Get-Srp -Unisphere $unisphere_da -ArrayId 000120002345 | Select-Object -Property *

EffectiveUsedCapacityPercent does not show the same as in Unisphere GUI here.

The PowerShell module for PowerMax will go end of life Q2 next year and I will rewrite my scripts and use Invoke-RestMethod.


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