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1 Rookie


1 Message


July 11th, 2024 03:38

m18 R2, Wifi cuts out

Alienware m18 R2

Alienware m18 R2

I hope your week is going well. 

I recently purchased a Alienware m18 R2. Right from the beginning the WiFi consistently cuts out. It cut out more often with 5G. I've followed many threads of the internet with similar issues. I've tried all the suggestions.  Uninstalling drivers, reinstalling drivers, turning certain options off. I've also tried a USB WiFi adapter I have. None of these addressed the issue. I have fiber optic from Quantum. I do not have a easy way to test with a hard wire connection.  

I really like the laptop. But with this issue it is basically useless for how I use a computer. I have many other devices hooked to the WiFi (laptops, iphone,  ipad, drones, etc.) and none of them have this issue.

I've also not found a direct way to contact customer service. It is obvious there customer service page is setup to deter one  from actually using their customer service.

I appreciate any guidance that can be provided.

Thanks and take care.

1 Rookie


4 Posts

July 19th, 2024 20:32

SAME ISSUE HERE! any solution??

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