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1 Rookie


2 Posts


April 14th, 2024 23:54

m18 R2, USB disconnections when gaming?

Hi all,

I've had my m18 R2 a week and generally it's a great machine, but I'm having one very frustrating issue which is making me want to return it. Every time I start gaming, there's a USB disconnect of devices, happens without fail, mouse, or audio (Sound blaster Katana) and keyboard will disconnect then immediately reconnect.

I've tried plugging some devices into the laptop direct and 2 different hubs, makes no difference.

I had a look in event viewer and when the issue occurs I see these events (different device ID for each usb device)

A corrected hardware error has occurred.Component: PCI Express EndpointError Source: Advanced Error Reporting (PCI Express)Primary Bus:Device:Function: 0x1:0x0:0x1Secondary Bus:Device:Function: 0x0:0x0:0x0Primary Device Name:PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_22BC&SUBSYS_0C9D1028&REV_A1Secondary Device Name:

The driver entered RTD3.
 All the connected devices will be removed from driver's internal state, so it is expected that DeviceDisconnected events will happen.

Driver exit RTD3.
 All the connected devices will now cause DeviceConnected events.

I've gone into the BIOS, disabled the auto switching to intel gpu over dedicated, made no difference. 

All drivers, BIOS all up to date

Stock Windows 11 that the machine came with.

So any suggestions please or just return it?

1 Rookie


2 Posts

April 19th, 2024 10:23

Still getting this, does anyone else or should I just return the laptop?

1 Rookie


84 Posts

April 19th, 2024 23:22

I have the same model, but have not had any issues with the USB.  That being said, I did a clean install of Windows when I got the machine, so maybe that had something to do with it? Maybe try that first and rule out the factory image if you can?

No Events found!
