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1 Rookie


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June 26th, 2024 09:31

m18 R1, unusable

Just wanted to add my two cents to the Alienware m18 R1. I have never been able to successfully use this June 2023 m18 R1 computer. The 3-D speed is abysmal. It cuts off and on for no reason I thought it would make a great computer for working while traveling. I have not been able to use it yet. I just reached out to tech support but after reading all the reviews, I am not optimistic. Today was the last day of my warranty. So I reluctantly paid for another year $262 in addition to almost $3000 for paperweight Internet, surfing, crashing machine, out of all the searching I have done for solutions I have not seen one review that said the problem was solved. I was running their diagnostic. It seems to have crashed. 

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