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1 Rookie


2 Posts


June 16th, 2024 07:06

M17x R4, Connector Location

Hello. I need help with my M17x R4 gaming laptop 2011 model. I got the computer from ebay in 2021 for 900$ used. I had noticed periodically artifacts from the screen probably attributed to overheated gpu during game sessions. Recently though the screen would go black requiring a restart to reenable the screen function. Which would happen intermittently per month on a sort of cycle even though I no longer gamed on it. I guessed it was a failing GTX 675M gpu. Even more recently the screen went off not completely just no image displayed. So I ordered some parts from ebay to get it back and running again. But before they arrived I decided to look into the case to see if there was anything I could do to maybe either maintenance the inner system or just learn what happened. Recently I took the laptop into KING IT here in Hervey Bay. Because I could not get the hdd to work. It broke! They cleaned the computer and replaced the aging  failed HDD with a new SSD. okay. charged 800$ dollars, but alright. Anyway when the computer stopped displaying an image I took it to them again to see if they would help me. No. they said you need a new laptop for 3500 dollars or pay 2000$ plus to fix whats wrong with the computer they had charged 100$ to look at. After I brought the pc home tail tucked between my legs. I immediately ordered a cpu gpu and ram from ebay again. wanting to see if I could fix it myself. anyway long story short I encountered some things that could possibly attribute to the cause and also need help relocating a connector under the keyboard to it's proper rightful place to where it's supposed to be inside the case. to which I made a video and screenshots to ask anyone here for their advice on what I can do here (in the video) so please here it is without further a due:

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1 Rookie


2 Posts

June 16th, 2024 11:45

Thread UPDATE: I did some research plus a lot of testing. Firstly just want to say I'm sorry for anyone who bothered to read this and be confused because I should have researched before posting. Anyway. The wire is a WLAN antenna cable. Which I found out in a YouTube tutorial video that must contain a plastic cover on the end. I guess so it doesn't touch any metal components. So I went ahead and amended my problem it is no longer a concern thankyou. And secondly I have rigorously tested the computer components to try and see a better idea of what I can actually eliminate from the failure process and to also rise different outcomes in the start up sequence thanks name ably to the dell design of start up beeps when the computer posts on power up. I had found that 2 beeps happens when there is no ram installed I tried to install also one module at a time to see if there were any failing ram modules and all worked alright at a time eliminating them from the process. I also tried removing the bios battery from the motherboard and starting up also producing beeps on post producing 5 beeps. And I got 8 beeps when removing the graphics card which is actually the lcd warning sequence on post, but I did the d key start up and the screen worked no problem displaying the correct colors during the test. which it was supposed to. so I'm still thinking it is the gpu luckily I have ordered one and will install it as soon as it arrives. I also picked up a new cpu and ram modules because if one part has failed now more will in the future. hopefully this all works out and I might come back to relay my progress to amend this thread in any case the resultant outcome is.

For reference here is a list of the possible outcomes one might receive a beeping sequence on their laptops and the resultant conclusive meanings.

1 Possible Motherboard (covers BIOS corruption or ROM error)
2 No RAM detected
3 Possible Motherboard Chipset
4 RAM failure (other)
5 CMOS Battery
6 Video card/chip
8 LCD 

5 Practitioner


1.5K Posts

June 18th, 2024 21:32

If you have the 120Hz 3D display then you must have an Nvidia card installed or you will get the 8 beep LCD error. This display runs directly from the dedicated GPU and the intel graphics is permanently disabled. 

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