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1 Rookie


5 Posts


June 26th, 2024 21:04

m17 R5 AMD, Blue Screen when open/boot up the laptop

Hey guys, 

Since october-november i started to encounter some blue screens, not very often by that time, i would say 1 blue screen at 2-3 weeks which i thought was due to some windows updates or from the cold as i was traveling a lot during that time. But recently after mid december / beginning of january, i started to have more and more, reaching today and yesterday to have around 6-7 times for my laptop to give me blue screen when i'm opening it.  Nowadays i try to open it and its just giving me blue screen after few seconds, before even to load the windows, and its restarting itself, and so on for 5-6 or 7 time until its loading the windows properly.

Maybe this information will help: my laptop has 2 video graphic cards, one AMD that come with the processor (are somehow connected/attached to each other), and the normal nvidia rtx 3060. At one point before all this to happened i noticed that due to an updated to my nvidia graphic card or windows update (were both in the same day so i don't know exactly which one was the problem), my AMD control center app, where i could see details about the processor and the graphic card and to make updates throw it, it stoped working and could't open anymore saying that an app/programe is somehow blocking or stopping it from opening. So maybe they are fighting with each other ? 

Most common errors i received and i had time to take notes of them are: 

KERNEL SECURITY CHECK FAILURE (noticed it today 2 times )

SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED (not very often, like 4-5 time in total)

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (the most common, this is daily )

There may be other errors that i had in blue screen, but i just didn't got the chance to properly read them and take a note of them. 

If someone knows how to fix this once and for all, i would really appreciate it.

Thank you so much !

1 Rookie


5 Posts

June 30th, 2024 20:20

Still encounter the blue screen. Someone that can help ?  @ejn63 


10 Elder


23.9K Posts

June 30th, 2024 20:33

Download a copy of Who Crashed (Resplendence Software;  the free version is fine), which you can use to parse the dump logs to determine what's causing the issue.

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 1st, 2024 23:37


Thank you for your advice. 

This are the errors that Who Crashed found: 


C:\Windows\Minidump\070124-16468-01.dmp (Minidump)
This is likely a software problem which means that it was probably caused by a bug in a driver.
There is a possibility that this is caused by memory corruption. Memory corruption can be caused by a faulty driver, faulty RAM, overheating and more. Read this article on memory corruption. Read this article on thermal issues


C:\Windows\Minidump\062924-16437-01.dmp (Minidump)
This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.
This is a video related crash.


C:\Windows\Minidump\062924-15359-01.dmp (Minidump)
This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.
This is a video related crash. A DirectX driver was identified on the stack. Since there is no other responsible driver detected, it is suggested that you look for an updated driver for your graphics hardware. It's also possible that your graphics hardware was non-functional or overheated.


C:\Windows\Minidump\062724-17671-01.dmp (Minidump)
This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.
This is a video related crash.


C:\Windows\Minidump\062424-15531-01.dmp (Minidump)
This bug check indicates that the driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state.
A device object has been blocking an IRP for too long a time. This is likely caused by a hardware problem, but there is a possibility that this is caused by a misbehaving driver.
This bugcheck indicates that a timeout has occurred. This may be caused by a hardware failure such as a thermal issue or a bug in a driver for a hardware device.
Read this article on thermal issues
A full memory dump will likely provide more useful information on the cause of this particular bugcheck.

What would you suggest me to do to sort this problem ? Can and should I delete the ''Minidump'' folder or maybe try to reset the windows from 0 ? I'm not very experienced in this kind of things, but some descriptions had something regarding a driver, but last time i checked all of them were up to date so idk what is the problem...

thank you

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 6th, 2024 15:39

Not solved  yet. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ?

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 7th, 2024 16:33

no help from this community

10 Elder


23.9K Posts

July 7th, 2024 16:48

Which of the suggestions have you followed?

0.  Completely clean inside the system, and replace the thermal pads with new ones or a layer of non-conductive thermal paste.  

1.  Run a complete Dell diagnostic on the system.  F12 a  few times to access.

If those don't reduce or eliminate the crashes, there are two approaches you can take.

2.  Reload a clean copy of Windows and install all the required drivers (from Dell -- not AMD!).


3.  At minimum, uninstall the video drivers completely and reboot the system.  Then reload the video drivers (again, from Dell/Alienware, not from AMD).

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