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1 Rookie


8 Posts


June 5th, 2024 00:32

m15 R5, BIOS 1.19.0 has caused Radeon Display adapter failure

 Hi, I have an Alienware m15 R5 with NVIDIA RTX 3070. It was running BIOS 1.15.0. After updating the BIOS to 1.19.0 the LCD failed to work after BOOT and the PC had a POST error indicating RTC reset was required. I did this, and the POST error changed to 2 RED 7 BLUE - 'display failure'. Although nonspecific, I think the error is more about the Radeon integrated graphics not working.

The PC can be used on an external display only once Windows boots using the Nvidia GPU. 

The Radeon Graphics are visible in device manager but with a vague error.

This problem has been reported previously but references an older BIOS version.

To fix this, I think the best solution would be to roll back the BIOS either to 1.15.0 (my BIOS before the 1.19.0 upgrade) or 1.17.0.

I have tried to roll back the BIOS upgrade by several methods - these have not worked.

1. In WIndows - using INSYDE BIOS tool. The INSYDE FLASH tool will not allow me to load an older BIOS.

2. Blind BIOS rollback using 'BIOS Recovery 2' (CTRL ESC). I am lucky to have a second unaffected M15 R5. I have the rollback process by key sequence. This has not worked.

3. Blind BIOS change 'BIOS Recovery 2' (CTRL ESC) using the 1.17.0 BIOS_IMG.rcv file loaded to a USB. Although I have no LCD, I can see when BIOS Recovery 2 loads, it gives a POST error 3 RED and 4 BLUE - indicating BIOS Recovery 2 sees an image but considers it invalid.

Can anyone provide a procedure to roll back the BIOS to 1.17.0 or any earlier version? I appreciate BIOS rollbacks are frowned upon, but I think my only options are to roll back or wait for a follow up BIOS release (fingers crossed) .  

Thanks for reading and I welcome any suggestions or queries.

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

July 19th, 2024 15:33

Hi all,

A bridge BIOS is available for installation. If you need to downgrade to a previous version due to issues with the latest update, please contact tech support via the "Get Help Now" chat button located at the bottom right corner of the page.

Kindly inform them that you are experiencing a No Video issue after updating the BIOS on your m15 Ryzen Edition R5 and that you require the bridge BIOS to perform the downgrade.

Community Manager


54.7K Posts

June 13th, 2024 12:42

Dell needs your private Service Tag number. Click the blue "Get Help Now" on the right to start a private live chat session. Share the private Service Tag with them.

Per the article you listed, did you try =

Recover the laptop by resetting the Real Time Clock (RTC)

After connecting the m15 R5 to its AC power supply and then connecting to an external monitor via the HDMI out port or USB-C/DP port, recover the default BIOS using the BIOS recovery screen. Could you post a video of this showing the external monitor screens?


1 Rookie


8 Posts

June 20th, 2024 07:00

@DELL-Chris M​ 

Hi Chris M,

Sorry for the delayed reply. I have shared my service tag via the chat. I have applied the RTC reset previously (per above) using the guide in the attached link. Initially my M15 R5 had nil operation. After the RTC reset the error became the 2 RED 7 BLUE. At this point the PC operates, but only via external monitor.

On your last request - "Could you post a video of this showing the external monitor screens?" I can do this, but there isnt much to see. There is no display at all during POST. The current boot process is:

1. Power button pressed

2. No display on either monitor during POST

3.Once the PC gets to the Windows logon the ext monitor displays the windows logon. There is no display on either monitor before this point.

The PC is running only on the Nvidia GPU in Windows. Device manager shows an error "Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems"

Let me know if you need any further information.



1 Rookie


8 Posts

June 20th, 2024 07:27

NOTE: I have attempted to resolve this issue with the BIOS update 1.20.0 (released June 15).  This BIOS update has not resolved the fault. After the update the fault is exactly the same.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

July 14th, 2024 10:25

I have this exact issue as of yesterday, I'm now on 1.20.0 after accepting some recommended auto updates (don't know what I was on previously as I never intentionally go out of my way to update a BIOS). I noticed that during the update process the fans went into overdrive (never heard it that loud before) then the screen went black. After it rebooted, I noticed the 2 RED 7 BLUE code flashing which after some research and coming across this post refers to "Display failure - SBIOS message".  The only way I can see anything is if I plug in an external display.

I've attempted the RTC method but considering the laptop screen itself won't work I don't know whether there is a way to tell if it actually did anything. I just saw that the alien power button flashed red a few times. After that I attempted to follow the article linked above but as per the OP, the BIOS tool won't let you rollback. 

I can't try CTRL+ESC method since I can't see a thing on the screen to attempt the BIOS recovery.

Considering I've seen a couple other posts of other people encountering the same issue after a BIOS update it is highly unlikely that we all suffered hardware failures straight after. If so then it would be due to the BIOS itself which is a problem which DELL should be addressing.

@refsmmat were you able to resolve this issue?


1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 14th, 2024 21:13

@drustar​ I also have this same issue. Can only see anything through an external display. tried to uninstall the update too but no luck

1 Rookie


8 Posts

July 15th, 2024 04:00


Hi drustar,

Im afraid not.

I PM'ed ChrisM from dELL who posted above, but his advice was to do an 'out of warranty' repair - IE pay to have it fixed. Sorry, no answer yet but I am still working on a solution.

ALSO - As our laptops can still do BIOS updates (albeit 'blind' when they reboot) we are able to implement any BIOS fix should it be developed. I think it is a matter of the 'fallout' from the 1.19.0 BIOS making its way back to the teams that develop the BIOS updates.

Regards Stephen


1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 24th, 2024 18:04

@DELL-Nat M​ This doesn't work. Thanks

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