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1 Rookie


2 Posts


July 17th, 2024 16:44

Area-51m R1, stuck in infinite windows repair loop

So basically my computer seems to be stuck in an infinite loop where it's supposedly diagnosing my pc, prepairing automatic repair and then it says i can restart my pc or check out "advanced options"

I've tried turning secure boot off in the bios and then restarting it, if also tried booting from a USB recovery stick and using the repair option there but it says it couldn't repair my pc and tells me I can try other options under "advanced options" or shut down my pc.

It then spits out a like that says "Log file: C:Windows\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt

I have also tried opening command prompt under advanced options and disabling auto recovery from automatically atarting when the pc turns on but it still starts the loop again anyway.

I've recently installed new system drives cause the last ones failed and the bios properly recognizes the new drives now as not failed.

I've installed windows on a 1tb hard drive that's inside my laptop and I formatted the other two 1tb nvme drives to work in RAID 0 to make it appear as a single 2tb drive

I can get the computer to start from a clean installation of windows 10, get it running and all, and then have Windows check for any updates.

It always comes up with a LOT of updates that take a LOT of time to install. But I let it do its thing until finally all the updates that needed to be installed were installed and then the remaining ones were just pending a restart of the system.

Once I then restart my system this is when it gets into this infinite loop where it starts up with a screen that says diagnosing pc, attempting repairs and then the whole thing starts all over again.

Is there any way to stop this from happening and get my pc to work and boot into windows properly?

Thank you for your time and I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!

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