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This post is more than 5 years old


June 3rd, 2010 20:00

Aurora Fan/Liquid Cooling Making a Humming Noise

I have had my Alienware Aurora for just over a month now.  However recently (within the past few days) it has started making a rather loud humming /buzzing noise.  It almost sounds like some sort of small electrical device (hair trimmer, electric toothbrush, etc).  


The noise seems to be coming from the back of the machine where the fan or liquid cooling system is.  It doesn't always make the noise but does most of the time.  It is really distracting and rather annoying.  Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this noise or how to fix it? 

7 Posts

June 4th, 2010 05:00

Mine does the same thing intermittently, usually just after startup and then it goes away. On rare occasions it would start again while I'm using the computer but would then disappear as quickly as it came. Lately I've noticed the noise less and less. I tried isolating the sound and I think its the 120mm fan in the back. It sounds like its either slightly rubbing against something or maybe the fan is off balance. I would call tech support but by the time I would get a live person on the phone the noise would be gone. I'm probably going to end up replacing the fan anyhow when I go to the 2 fan push/pull setup so its no biggie. I thought I read on here another post of another Aurora owner having the same noise issue. Since yours is making the sound constantly I would call tech support and put the phone up to the back to the back of the case so they can hear it. I'm sure they will get that fan replaced for you.

9 Posts

June 5th, 2010 18:00

When you say it goes away quickly, how long are you talking about?  5 minutes?  15?  Longer?

When the sound comes on for me it usually lasts a little while, about 10-20 minutes, sometimes slightly longer.  It doesn't sound like the the loud fans when I start the computer which quickly quiet down, it's a low humming noise.  It never did it the first month I had the computer and just recently started doing it.  It probably does it 1 or 2 times over several hours.

While it's annoying, it also is a little worrying.  I am not sure why it suddenly started making this noise.  I don't think it's anything loose or rattling, I think it's actually coming from the liquid cooling device.  I've checked the thermal settings when it starts up but nothing looks out of place.


2.4K Posts

June 5th, 2010 19:00

I had this on my Area 51. Drove me nuts. I couldnt take it anymore and tore the system down. It was the PSU fan!!!! The thing is cheap as hell and when the PSU kicks it up it gets loud. The thing that had me going was I knew it was a fan noise but there are so many fans and I could only look for the noise when it was doing it. I had to rule out the CPU,GPU's,hard drives,chip set and PCI fan. I had to unplug/turn off each one or put them to 100% and then listen for a change till the only one I had left was the PSU fan. I can't tell you how many times I sat with my ear to the system trying to pin point it.

Here is a very simple way to tell if its the PSU fan. When you here the noise start put your hand over the back of the PSU. Cover the exaust vent with your hand. If it is the PSU fan doing it the pitch of the sound will change. Now if it turns out it is your PSU fan I don't know what to tell you. I dont think Dell wants you cracking open the PSU. I did fix mine but thats all I will say on that :P

30 Posts

June 25th, 2010 14:00

this is your psu making the nose possibly but a very slim chance. The real culprit I am guessing is the pump is going out or the ball bearings in the pump are not that great/going both due to a faulty unit, a slim chance issue but it does happen and when it does its very annoying. You may need to contact alienware and get the cpu internal liquid cooler replaced.

13 Posts

July 5th, 2010 22:00

I think I am experience a similar issue to this. It is very annoying. I took a sound recording of it using my iphone. I'm not sure how to post it on these forums but I can easily email it.


So Chris if you're listening, would you mind having a listen to the sound file I recorded. It basically sounds like an electric shaver, and its coming out directly behind the cpu liquid cooling reservoir. I assume its the fan behind it but i'm not 100% certain. Anyway, not only does it sound horribly distracting, but I'm afraid it might actually be breaking down (whatever it may be).


Please let me know whatever info you require. I also have the front audio jack static when plugging in my headphones. Just received my aurora (i7 920/hd 5970/9gig 1333mhz ram) on the 22nd of june i believe.

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 6th, 2010 07:00

How big is the file? Try emailing it to me,

13 Posts

July 7th, 2010 10:00

Hey Chris did you happen to get a chance to listen to the sound clip i sent you?

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 7th, 2010 13:00

I did and sent it to engineering.

13 Posts

July 7th, 2010 15:00

Great thanks. Any idea as to what it could be? Fans or cpu pump?

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 7th, 2010 18:00

Not sure. Still awaiting a response.

9 Posts

July 12th, 2010 22:00

Just an update, the humming sound seemed to be going off less frequently and when it did go off it wasn't as loud.  That is, until tonight. 

Tonight it started  humming louder than ever and then suddenly started making a high pitched screeching sound.  It was extremely loud, it sounded almost like a huge electric saw cutting into wood (best way I can think to describe it).  I turned my computer off and then back on about a half hour later and it was still doing it.  The machine is less than three months old at this point.. what could possibly be the problem??

9 Posts

July 12th, 2010 23:00

After listening more closely to the louder screeching noise it seems to be coming more from the middle of the machine, possibly the PSU or graphics card?  Someone mentioned covering the back vents to see if the sound changed.  I did this and heard no change at all. 

I noticed you have the same graphics card as me pdiddy.  I can't help but wonder if that may be the culprit?  The humming before was at least bearable but this loud screeching doesn't seem to be going away and is pretty much unbearable to use my computer with. 


EDIT:  Just another update.  Been trying to start up the computer several times over the past few hours.  Was making the loud screeching sound every time.  Finally stopped making it this last time I started it up.  However it's still making the loud humming noise and now the side lights on both sides are not working.  Checked the Command Center and it shows the PCI and Hard Drive Fans at something rediculous like 58650 RPM and 18950 (both listed as 55%).

13 Posts

July 12th, 2010 23:00

Yea mine seems to be at least doing it more frequently. Hopefully Chris comes back with a solution soon.

13 Posts

July 13th, 2010 09:00

Hey Deathleech,

Why don't you try and capture the noise with a digital recorder or something. Plug a mic into your computer or if you have an iphone you can use the sound recorder with that. When you're done send the noise file to Chris. I wouldn't mind listening to it as well.

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 13th, 2010 12:00

Did you guys follow Morblore instructions to verify if the noise is the power supply fan?

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