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This post is more than 5 years old


February 14th, 2008 16:00

msicuu2.exe Error in removal of .NET Framework/Dymo Stamps

The DYMO Stamps program wouldn't open. No changes made to it since it worked fine the other day. When I attempt to open it, error message reads "DYMO Stamps v.1.6.2 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I have postage stuck in cyber-space and can't print it.


I unistalled and reinstalled the DYMO software. Same message.


Contacted DYMO, and the tech told me I need to remove any .NET Framework 2.0 software and reinstall it. I went to Add/Remove programs, attempted to remove, and got the message ".NET Framework 2.0 has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete correctly." 


The DYMO tech said to install MS Windows Installer CleanUp Utility - msicuu2.exe - to remove .NET. I saved msicuu2.exe to desktop and then attempted to run it.


It says:

Windows Script Host

Script: C\Documents...\StartMsi.vbs

Line: 2

Char: 1

Error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'WScript.Shell'

Code: 800A01AD

Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error


I don't even know if the DYMO tech's advice is the right way to address this, and now I am 3 levels deep in stuff not running.


Oddly, all else about this computer system seems to be running fine!


Windows XP Home 2002 SP 2

Dell Dimension 4600

Pentium 4 2.66GHz, 512 RAM



12.7K Posts

February 14th, 2008 20:00

Click Me, this is a .Net cleanup tool to aid in the removal of .Net 2.0 from your PC so you can reinstall it clean



Found it on this website

1. You should try to perform a standard uninstall first.  This tool is not designed as a replacement for uninstall, but rather as a last resort for cases where uninstall or repair did not succeed for unusual reasons.

2. This cleanup tool will delete shared files and registry keys used by other versions of the .NET Framework.  So if you use it, be prepared to repair or reinstall any other versions of the .NET Framework that are on your computer to get them to work correctly afterwards

Message Edited by mombodog on 02-14-2008 04:15 PM

3 Posts

February 20th, 2008 16:00

THANK YOU for that simple point to reinstall ALL my versions of .NET. I didn't see your post until I had run everything and ONLY reinstalled 2.0 as the DYMO tech guy instructed me to do. DYMO was working again, but I found out two days later that QuickBooks was no longer working! Luckily, your post was waiting for me when I came back into this forum to search for answers.


Your point was the clue I needed to research what version of .NET I needed (1.1) for QuickBooks, and now that program is back up.


I'm emailing that tech guy to warn us non-tech people of that!

12.7K Posts

February 20th, 2008 18:00

Glad you got it resolved, you are welcome.  :smileyvery-happy:

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