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This post is more than 5 years old


October 23rd, 2007 02:00

Windows Explorer shutdown

Computer:  Dell Dimensions 2350
Operating System:  Windows XP
Firewall/Anti-Virus Software:  Windows Live OneCare
Error Message in question:
"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience."
I made the mistake of installing Smiley Central awhile back, only to find that without my knowledge it installed the spyware AdBureau on my computer as well.  On a weekly basis thereafter, I had to use my Spybot software to find and remove the AdBureau because it kept locking up my computer.  I finally traced it back to the Smiley Central and uninstalled that, but the AdBureau kept sneaking in.  Yesterday I went into my temp folder and removed the original Smiley Central download and now I get that stupid message above every time I go into my "temp" folder.  I can operate on Windows Explorer without problems, as long as I stay away from my "temp" folder, but if I open that folder, Windows Explorer sends me the above error and shuts down.
My first response was to run a Windows Live OneCare anti-virus scan.  It found nothing.
I then ran msconfig from the Run prompt.  It didn't cure the problem.
I ran SFC.EXE /SCANNOW from the Run prompt. It didn't find any changed Windows protected files and so did not ask for the CD.
I then did a System Restore, which still didn't solve the problem.  Perhaps that was because not only did I delete the Smiley Central download file from "temp", but also from the Recycle bin.
I downloaded and ran ShellExView to see if it was a Context Menu Problem.  But about halfway thru testing the files, things got worse.  Now I can't even go onto my C drive without receiving the above error message.  As for Microsoft Windows, as a result of all the actions above, they have more than 50 error reports from me within the last 18 hours, but have not shown any inclination to contact me and ask why or offer assistance.
I checked for Windows Updates a few minutes ago as per the "Check Now" function of Dell Support.  The only items for download were a Root Certificates Update and an Update to my HP printer.  When I did the automatic restart afterwards, the computer would not come back up.  I was left with a black screen (although there was still power to the computer) and I had to press the Power button to turn off and turn back on the computer.  I then got a black screen with a message about safe mode, but before I could finish reading the message, the computer came up in its regular mode.  However, after all that, the Windows Explorer problem still exists.
I was looking at doing a Dell PC Restore, but if the System Restore didn't work, would the Dell PC Restore be any different?  Plus, if I backup the files beforehand, won't I be saving whatever's causing the problem and reinstalling it when I recover the backup files?
I was also looking at doing a Repair Install of XP, but was hoping to avoid that until exhausting all other possibilities.  That's because I suspect I will then need to reinstall all kinds of Windows Updates afterwards.
Anyone have any suggestions I haven't tried already?

12.7K Posts

October 23rd, 2007 03:00

Go to this forum  and read the RED link at the top and then post your log on that forum along with what you have stated here (condensed version), also post the Model of Dell you have and the OS Version.
They will help you rid the PC of any malware

Message Edited by mombodog on 10-22-2007 11:16 PM
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