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This post is more than 5 years old


February 2nd, 2004 19:00

Win98 Boot disk?

I had to get a new hardrive for my Dell Lattitude LM but I can't find a windows 98 boot disk that will work. Do I need something special for this model? Does anyone know where to get a boot disk that will work?



18.8K Posts

February 2nd, 2004 19:00


You can download one from here.

9 Posts

February 2nd, 2004 20:00

I tried 3 of the Win98 boot disks. it just spins and give me no opera;ting system found. i put in my CD drive with a boot cd but it doestn even access that. any ideas?


1.1K Posts

February 2nd, 2004 21:00

I don't know about laptops but you may need to change the floppy to first boot device.

18.8K Posts

February 3rd, 2004 01:00


fredha is correct. The message you are receiving indicates that your system is attempting to boot from the hard drive, which has no operating system. Instructions for installing Windows 98 using the Dell Recovery CD are here. This document includes a link to instructions for setting your system to boot from the CD-ROM as first boot device.

9 Posts

February 3rd, 2004 01:00

Appreicate the info. i did find out my floppy is bad so I have ordered another one. i will use the instructions given once I receive it.

thanks again!


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