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This post is more than 5 years old


June 2nd, 2004 14:00

How to re-install Outlook Express?

I'm told my Outlook Express is corrupted and I either need to download a new one from Microsoft, or re-install Windows XP.  I can't find a complete download of outlook express on  I have 2 XP discs, an Upgrade and Windows XP home edition.  I upgraded from an earlier version of Windows.  I remember last time I upgraded to XP I spent hours with Dell technician to get it to work.  My 3 years support contract is up.   I have a Dimension 4100.   Any suggesions on best way to go about re-installing Outlook Express?

2.7K Posts

June 2nd, 2004 14:00


Read the recommendations at foot of page before doing anything

12K Posts

June 2nd, 2004 15:00

If the above post does not work, go to Add/Remove Programs and go to Add/Remove Windows Compenenets. OE should be among the list.

7 Posts

June 3rd, 2004 18:00


Thanks for the instructions.  Unfortunately I can't use sfc /scannow because when I put in my XP home upgrade (the only XP disc I have - upgraded from Me to XP which was very time consuming with constant technician help) I get a wrong disc message.  Should I try to reinstall the XP Upgrade?  Wouldn't it be simpler to download Windows Explorer from Microsoft on top of my current explorer and hope Outlook Express will replace the current bad one? 


7 Posts

June 3rd, 2004 18:00

Hi again,

Can I download Windows Explorer without changing the registry?


85 Posts

June 7th, 2004 05:00

Outlook Express will not be able to be uninstalled and reinstalled on Windows XP before SP1. You will have to load SP1 and then you can uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs, reboot and reinstall it.


7 Posts

June 7th, 2004 12:00

Thanks for this info.  In the meantime I used system restore to about a month before Outlook Express stopped working, and - behold - it's working again.  One thing system restore removed from my compter was the latest upgrade of AOL (which I use as secondary internet connection).  Perhaps this upgrade interfered somehow with the operation of outlook express.

2.7K Posts

June 7th, 2004 13:00

That would not surprise me in the least!

85 Posts

June 7th, 2004 15:00

 I am glad you got it up and running. System restore will take programs off that you have installed if you go back to a date before you installed the program. Well let me correct myself. The program will still be on the computer but it won't be in the registry so it acts as if its not installed.

I would update your anti-virus and make sure your critical updates are up to date. Then run a scan for virus to make sure your system is clean.

A note on System Restore... If you ever get a virus on your system and get rid of the virus, be sure to turn off your system restore and purge your restore points, reboot and then re-enable the points. You will loose the ability to restore to an earlier time, but if you don't then your system can be re-infected by the virus. The system restore utility will not let anything touch the restore points. If the restore point has the virus in it, then it will re-infect the system. The anti-virus program will clean the system and say it is free of the virus but will not detect the virus in the restore point. Then the restore point will re-infect system causing you to be in a loop.

You can also get the windows updates on a CD for free (even the shipping is free). This is important because if you have to reload your windows you can install the critical updates before you get online because your vulnerable without the updates the moment you go online. The address is

You can also get a Office XP Update CD for free at


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