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This post is more than 5 years old


May 23rd, 2007 13:00

Error Message 0X80070005 (access denied)

I am using Dim 4600 Series Intel Pen 4  Win XP SP2
Whenever I try to go into my documents/settings.. I get the error message 0X80070005  access denied. I am logged on as (my name/Administrator) but it doesn't matter. I have been trying to fix this for as long as I can remember. Troubleshooting , asking for help on forums about not being able to schedule tasks. I have followed the directions to the letter on entering the scheduled tasks and set my password.  I also have my computer set up where I  enter a password when I sign in. when my computer starts up I will get a notice TASK SCHEDULER SERVICE NOT RUNNING...SOME TASKS DID NOT EXECUTE, GO TO SCHEDULE FOLDER, ETC.. Which I have done over and over, to no avail.  Not being able to schedule tasks is bad enough BUT my main concern is the  ACCESS DENIED ON MY DOCUMENTS/SETTINGS.
 Another example: I was going to send an email to Microsoft to see if I could get  support..I signed in w/my  Windows live ID and correct password, I had to enter my ID # for my Product, so i clicked onto the site where it shows you how to FIND my Product ID and got this mess: YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THIS PAGE. HTTP ERROR 403-FORBIDDEN  Internet Explorer.
For the life of me I can not understand what is going on. It's like I'm not the owner/administrator. and the last several times I have tried to go into SAFE MODE (have asked for help from Comm Forum w/this also and trouble shooted) It comes up on the screen distorted and I can't do anything , it just freezes and at times I can not get out of that frozen screen w/the HUGE icons and no task bar. I finally found a way to get the task bar to come up, I go to start/Run/ msconfig/ ...get the menu and it don't show that I am even IN the safe mode. UGH  !!    I think this ALL must be related to the fact that I am denied access to my settings. Can anyone  PLEASE help me. This is just about to drive me crazy.  :smileysad:   Please make instructions clear, I am not an ol' pro at this.  lol  Thanks
Retired Nana

2.7K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 21:00

Retired Nana :smileyhappy:
Try this for the "Access Denied" problem
Take ownership of the folder by right clicking it and selecting Properties. Select the Security Tab and click the Advanced button. You'll see an Owner tab so add your User Name to the list
You may need to go to My Computer/Tools/Folder Options/View tab and uncheck "Use simple file sharing" or you won't have a Security tab otherwise.
XP Home
Go to Safe Mode to find the Security Tab
You need to be using an Admin Account to do it.
You will have to do this too
To apply to subfolders check the box "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" before you click “Apply”
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