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This post is more than 5 years old


November 13th, 2005 00:00

Downloading Pictures From Canon SD300

Hey. I have a canon SD300 digital camera. I've had it for a couple months and its been working fine with my computer. Recently I went to download some pictures from it and I had trouble. I used to just open the camera up in my computer and drag the pictures out onto my desktop. Now that doesn't work though. When I do that, the pictures just never transfer. I have to use the transfer function in Windows, or the special software program from the camera. Any ideas how I can get my original downloading way to work?

12K Posts

November 13th, 2005 07:00

Uninistall and reinstall the camera thru add/remove hardware.

12K Posts

November 20th, 2005 19:00

My Fuji camera does the same thing.  It appears as a Fuji camera on one machine and then just as removable storage on my main machine, an 8300.  So it must be something to do with the main board drivers (chip set) in my opinion.

I wish I had a better explanation or resolution for you.

94 Posts

November 20th, 2005 19:00

hey. I tried that and it still doesn't work! I reinstalled all the software and I still can't get it to just simply download through its drive letter. I tried it on another windows xp computer and it works fine :smileymad: . I also switched the USB port and it still doesn't work! Any more ideas?

94 Posts

November 20th, 2005 19:00

hmm thats so strange.. On both machines it shows up in My Computer as "Canon SD300 Camera" and it has a little picture of a camera. For a while on the problem computer I used to be able to just drag the pictures from the camera onto the desktop, now all of the sudden I can't! I have to go through the stupid software.. It's weird that that function still works on the other computers.... waaa

94 Posts

November 20th, 2005 19:00

hey. I tried that and it still doesn't work! I reinstalled all the software and I still can't get it to just simply download through its drive letter. I tried it on another windows xp computer and it works fine :smileymad: . I also switched the USB port and it still doesn't work! Any more ideas?
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