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This post is more than 5 years old


April 30th, 2006 02:00

can an HP drive with lightscribe be installed

Can i install the double layer light scribe drive to my computer and if i do do I replace my hard drive with it or just add it as a second drive?
I have the Dell Dimension  B110

11.9K Posts

April 30th, 2006 11:00

@kellkell wrote:
Can i install the double layer light scribe drive to my computer and if i do do I replace my hard drive with it or just add it as a second drive?
I have the Dell Dimension  B110
Well, if you replaced your hard drive your computer wouldn't function...
The HP drive goes in a CD/DVD bay, not a hard drive bay.  Click on the Desktop tab above, then your model, then User Guides.

5 Posts

April 30th, 2006 15:00

ok i know i am ignorant to computers but i installed the light scribe drive right under my other drive where i put CD's in and hooked the gray cable and the white cable just like the other one is hooked up and I couldn't get my original drive to read any CD's so I called tech support, spent 2 1/2 hours on phone with them and also with HP, HP says my Nero CD was bad I kept getting corrupted file errors and it wouldn't let me install the Nero, Dell is sending tech out with a new CD drive, it wont even read a music my question is did i do something wrong that messed up my computer? How do I do it if the way I done it was wrong? Shouldn't my system detect that new hardware was installed? What else should i try?



Thanks and sorry for being so ignorant

Kell Kell

11.9K Posts

April 30th, 2006 19:00

@kellkell wrote:

ok i know i am ignorant to computers but i installed the light scribe drive right under my other drive where i put CD's in and hooked the gray cable and the white cable just like the other one is hooked up and I couldn't get my original drive to read any CD's so I called tech support, spent 2 1/2 hours on phone with them and also with HP, HP says my Nero CD was bad I kept getting corrupted file errors and it wouldn't let me install the Nero, Dell is sending tech out with a new CD drive, it wont even read a music my question is did i do something wrong that messed up my computer? How do I do it if the way I done it was wrong? Shouldn't my system detect that new hardware was installed? What else should i try?

Thanks and sorry for being so ignorant

Kell Kell

Make sure the new drive is jumpered Cable Select and set to Auto in the bios.

5 Posts

May 1st, 2006 02:00

wow a small sentance like that and you went way over my head LOL when you say jumpered are you talking about the gray cable with the same looking slots on it? and how do i get to bios and know what to do when i get there??



thanks again


11.9K Posts

May 1st, 2006 12:00

@kellkell wrote:

wow a small sentance like that and you went way over my head LOL when you say jumpered are you talking about the gray cable with the same looking slots on it? and how do i get to bios and know what to do when i get there??

thanks again


To be honest, I think you're a bit over your head attempting this install.  Jumpers are on the drive itself.  Little plastic covers on pins on the drive.  And they should be in the documentation that you got with your new Lightscribe drive.  You should go read that documentation before attempting any further work.  Then, set the jumpers to Cable Select. 

Bios is entered by hitting F2 as your computer starts to boot.  You should see the new drive as the 2nd drive on the secondary IDE channel, and you'll need to set it to Auto. 

I'd recommend finding a friend that understands this info to help you.

5 Posts

May 1st, 2006 16:00

well it wasn't me being so dumb after all, LOL i had everything hooked up right and my problem was that my DELL CD drive was burnt up and when the tech installed the new one i ask him to hook the second one for me and he did and they are working fine....... only thing is all the time on the phone with tech sup they kept saying on BOIS screen to change the drive settings just like you had said and the tech man today even seen that on my BOIS screen the screen is enlarged and you cant select the drives to change it and neither DELL on phone or the tech man they sent today knew why it was doing this so who knows but now im just waiting on my Nero software to come so I can get started using my new DVD drive


any ideas on the BOIS screen being large how would we reset the resolution for BOIS is that even possible since tech has no idea either??



Thanks and sorry i sounded so ignorant just second guessing my self to much i guess



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