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This post is more than 5 years old



November 23rd, 2005 12:00

Verizon DSL ???

Hello all,

This is my first posting so please take it easy on me.

I have finally decided to make the jump to high-speed Internet connection from dial-up. I am limited in my choices, so I decided to give Verizon DSL a try. After 2 weeks and still are unable to connect I am hoping someone here can provide me with some advice that will help connect or tell Verizon where to go.

Here is my scenario... I get the message I am "connected at 100mps" followed by a message that "Authentication Server is unavailable". I have disabled my firewall prior to attempting connection. Verizon tech support says I am able to ping them and they can ping me, however I cannot ping or other common sites? The Verizon tech last night told me that my issue is related to the fact that I have more than 33 processes running and this is preventing the "authentication". Frankly, I do not understand how this could be a problem? My MSN dial-connection works with many more active processes.

So, now what do I do?

Thanks for your help!


6.4K Posts

November 26th, 2005 05:00

I think you need to call again and hope you get someone who knows what he or she is talking about.  You are connected at 100 MBS because your computer is connected to your router or modem Ethernet port, and you can ping the server at the central office because it is connected to the DSL server.  You are therefore getting an IP address and you have a complete circuit.  What is not happening is that your equipment is not logging into the server properly.  Sometimes the Verizon software on the CD that is usually provided doesn't like your computer configuration.  Mine didn't, and I had to call the Verizon rep to walk me through a manual set-up.  It involves giving your modem or router or combination modem/router a password and user name.  The number of processes running on your computer almost certainly has nothing to do with your problem.
Good luck!
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