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This post is more than 5 years old


December 16th, 2010 09:00

Issue : Dell U2311H AOO not able to do even the simple things right.

No reply on the thread, has been a month since i posted here on another thread, so re-posting as new thread, I do not know whether I should expect a reply or not.

I have used both the original and replacement monitor for about 24working hours each at the max. now its lying and serving no purpose. Can only use it for few photos or MS office work. So the whole purpose of the monitor is pointless.

Update as of 22/11/2010- I have again cross checked with a Lenovo ThinkPad T410, running 64 bit win 7 with the latest drivers. but the problem is the same.

i repeat agian, I can post as many example pics as asked, i have got 20" wide prints done, those prints nor any of the other monitors show ANY of the issues.

I do not understand why the DELL support has to shrug the blame on silly things and try to completely wash their hands of it, given that they never reply to mail and only come up reasons over the phone...and anything else, such as physically checking the problem or sending an engineer isnt possible. Was a complete waste of money for me. still using my 6 year old monitor.





Any update on the firmware upgrade?

I mainly work with images. snapped with proper cameras and I edit them myself before getting them professionally printed. Now the problem is with this issue, i cant see the image properly which has resulted in VERY BAD results. The monitor is of little use and i had to move back to my TV panel for editing work.

I have the A00 version bought on the last day of August and I have been having an issue since day one, contacted the Customer care on the 3rd day after triting every  possible option to rectify the problem. The problem is that the monitor exhibits very bad tonal gradation specially in the grey areas(eg: hair) And also, the dark parts are brightened up like if one was to view the same image on a TN panel from a couple inches higher than normal while the bright parts of the image are normal. Certian blacks have a huge overtone of green to them. Certian dim/dark parts are also displayed with a good amount of desaturation which makes them look almost black and white.

When the same pics are viewed on another monitor the pics look fine(hot swapping the cable). I have tried IPS panel LCDs, 2 Plasmas apart from every LCD i could lay my hands in combination with several computers(laptops and desktops).

The of the best advise I have got so far from the customer care guys from Bangalore.Worse still, most of these guys hung up midway during the conversation.

  • One of them,"you should have bought an ultrasharp monitor"
  • Another one was,"you should have tried it out before buying it"
  • Another,"You should have read reviews before buying it"
  • another,"problem is with the microsoft software you are using to view the pics"

Now what can possibly be wrong with microsoft picture and fax viewer? yeah, when I try opening a RAW image on ADOBE photoshop it looks like its been drawn from crayons on this monitor- but I didnt even start talking about it yet. Using the ICM file with photoshop makes the texture go absolutely unreal and weird.

Certian edited & optimized pics look nice  on the monitor, but is difficult to edit a pic to make it look like the edited/optimised pic viewing it on this monitor.

Text, MS office  and applications alike it look lovely on the monitor, so do studio type pics where every part is lit very well, or even bright pics-look perfect. Problem comes with pics which have both bright and dull areas.

  • It being a plug and monitor, shouldn't absolutely need the ICM driver but either way it doesn't work. Turns worse when the ICM file is used.
  • I have tried playing out with every setting on the monitor, have reset it a dozen times.

When I emailed pictures and videos of the problem I was told by the customer care guys that I should not compare this monitor with other brands. Sad.

  • I requested for my new monitor to be fixed-but that is against DELL policy I was told but CC.
  • Requested for a firmware upgrade to A01, the CC guy laughed, told me there is nothing such as that.
  • Requested an engineer to be sent to check out the issue- was told its against DELL policy
  • Requested for a different model which displays stuff normally- again told its against DELL policy,
  • I requested for a refund, but again told that's against DELL policy.

An I have become an idiot to have bought the monitor after reading good reviews of it.Oh wait, were the reviews of A01 version!?! may be. But that isn't available here. Now, even customer support has stopped replying to emails. I have hardly  got to use either of the monitors for more than 20 hours, b/c they casue such a handicap.

Im on my 1st replacement, compared to my first monitor it doesn't solve the issue but it has added with the green overtone.

Recently I upgraded my video card to but its doesnt help. Even REINSTALLED windows XP Same problems with all CPU combinations over the DVI connection. With ANY other monitor/TV panel the problem show.

Again, I want to make myself clear this is a sort of a QUANITATIVE issue, not an absolute qualitative issue. Its about how this U2311h not doing what even a simple 6 year old LCD does and also the latest local dimming LED LCD panel does and also a thing which CRTs and plasmas do.

  • Main System Specs: Pentium 4 3GHZ, intel 915 motherboard, 2GB RAM, running XP SP3 with MSI N210 MD1G/D3 video card (driver- (over DVI connection)
  • Dell lap top specs: INSPIRON 1545, 3GB ram, running windows 7, intel mobile graphics(driver version: (over the VGA connection)
  • And I have also used half a dozen CPUs and monitors. The main being my old monitor(over VGA), a LG LH 90 LCD TV panel & LG 50PK550 plasma TV panel (both over HDMI)

The problem happens even with pictures from a Canon 5D mark2 ONLY with this monitor among all I have.....I wouldn't be surprised if you were to suggest that I upgrade/use a better has been the experience with DELL CC so far.

Want pics/videos of the issue?  I can post as many as you want but the vids would have to be hosted some where, youtube or something.

This is my last try, I'll have to look at other options if a solution isn't found. The same information with pictures on mouth and forwarding the issue with the log to local news papers explaining the you-bought-it-and-now-we-don't-care attitude off DELL.

Community Manager


55K Posts

December 16th, 2010 14:00

The problem is that the monitor exhibits very bad tonal gradation specially in the grey areas(eg: hair) And also, the dark parts are brightened up like if one was to view the same image on a TN panel from a couple inches higher than normal while the bright parts of the image are normal. Certian blacks have a huge overtone of green to them. Certian dim/dark parts are also displayed with a good amount of desaturation which makes them look almost black and white.

I need examples of these issues comparing the same picture as seen on multiple monitors.

10 Posts

December 17th, 2010 21:00

Sure, I was waiting for someone to ask. Being  proactive didnt help with the phone C. support.

Here are a few examples, only pic which have only bright parts and no shadows do not exhibit this problem. I believe the pictures are self explanatory. The brightened-up-dullparts apear to be de-saturated to an extent too, may be b/c of the green overtone.


I'll start with an image from

the same image on the U2311h monitor, please make notice of the shadow parts of the hair which have been brightened up, and is a uniform bright grey w/o gradation. check the actual image on the url above.

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The first image is on the dell monitor, the 2nd is on the old monitor (LG L1515S). Please make notice of the brigntened background with a green overtone on the 1st image, Also, how similarly the hair looks uber weird on the dell version.


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LG L1515s

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Similarly, see how the background is overly bright on this image and how the dull parts of the face have brightened up and have a green overtone. hair has no gradation, looks like grey and pitch black cotton.



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Old monitor

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Similarly another example. No tonal gradation in the hair,and skin, background ect is brightened up and a huge green overtone to it.



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LG LH90 panel

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If the Icm file from the disk is added for color management, the image looks like it has been drawn with crayons.

Should you want I can make a video with both monitors with the same output and even show how using the icm. file has a ghastly effect with windows/photoshop.


10 Posts

December 17th, 2010 23:00

Before its asked posting the serial numbers of both monitors. Will post more comparison examples soon.

Except for the last picture all other pictures are of the replacement monitor. Though, there is slight difference b/w both, it being more amount of green overtone in the monitor given in exchange. Also, this monitor has way lesser tinting issues compared to the monitor bought new.


Monitor which i was given in exchange of the monitor bought new.

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Monitor which was bought new (one which was taken away after exchange)

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10 Posts

December 20th, 2010 09:00

No updates Mr. Chris?

Community Manager


55K Posts

December 23rd, 2010 18:00

Nope. It will take many users with the same issue to warrant a firmware update. On the Desktop PC using the Dell supplied DVI cable to the monitor, how does this picture look?

10 Posts

December 24th, 2010 23:00

Attaching pictures of both monitors together, duplicated the larger resolution on the smaller monitor on the desktop PC, with the Dell DVI cable and using the full size image ->

Do note that the Dell is at default settings and is extremely bright compared to the other monitor. And like I said before, this happens with the dark areas of the picture not the bright, check out the hair in this case. Dithering? why the extra green overtone?

At the moment the dell is sitting at the table w/o being used much. it shows the same problems while playing movies as well.



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a very bad quality video-

10 Posts

February 24th, 2011 12:00

Care to reply Mr. Chris?

Community Manager


55K Posts

February 25th, 2011 06:00

All you can do is play the replacement game until you get one that meets your approval.

10 Posts

February 25th, 2011 08:00

That's an unprofessional advise, are you trying to suggest that i keep exchanging until one comes by that one "may" work. I paid in full for the New monitor, i see no reason why I should exchange it again and get a used/just working set in exchange. Dell laptops had made me trust Dell as a brand but this experience just stirs thate up.

I request for this set to be fixed or a full refund for supplying a sub-standard product.


PS- where did the pics go?

Community Manager


55K Posts

February 25th, 2011 15:00

There are no plans to create another revision or firmware for this monitor. As far as engineering is concerned, it passes all of the Dell requirements to the manufacturer. If you want to push for a refund, you will need to go though Order Support, not Technical Support.

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