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This post is more than 5 years old



September 3rd, 2006 03:00

Does anyone at Dell even read these posts ? (Re-Post)

Seems to be few and far between.

I wonder if anyone under the aegis of Dell even looks at any of these things.
I wonder if anyone in this peer-to-peer Forum even gives a rats-derriere about anyone's problem but their own.
I've tried my best to help / supply input / T-Shoot a couple of problems here. In the meanwhile, I've asked three questions and not one single reply. :-/
It'd be a real benefit to get some input from somewhere else beside Dell Tech Support for some of these questions, inasmuch as no-one there ever seems to be able to pinpoint any 'answer' for a single query I've set before them.
Ask about a 'model revision' and a million replies come in; always the same story. What about some input on what once was the latest version of the time before the 'current next latest version' makes its debut ?
There's a distinct paucity of useful info... for such a mega-corp and huge share of the market, it might as well be a hole-n-the-wall "Brother" computer we're talking about here. A few more days and I'm 'history'; should I be asked about, or if it is suggested that I try this forum, I'll be at a definite loss to find any kind words to say for it or those who 'inhabit' this "(word removed by original author) -poor" forum.
The questions and issues still stand.

344 Posts

September 3rd, 2006 17:00

you will get more help from here than most places.

Message Edited by ArchAnge1 on 09-04-200607:50 PM

September 5th, 2006 02:00

Thanks for the link. '-)
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