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This post is more than 5 years old


7 Posts


April 2nd, 2005 00:00


 I made a very bad decision by choosing dell. My experience has been so impersonal,so helplessly controlling.Any money saved was greatly sacrificed by a feeling of being out in the cold.I went as far as to obtain a return authorization but I am afraid to send back because there is no clear cut time frame of when,or how I will be credited. This is nothing like sears,all call support comes from INDIA and it has left me with the feeling of being schemed.Dell won't even read this it is just therapeutic for me to talk in the dark.In the 1950's companies would call you to see how they could assists.I was on a chat line in order to continue they wanted my name and phone #.I mentioned my dissatisfaction and reasons why,you might think they would call to accommodate and help to resolve.After 3 hours of tech help to reload wireless drivers my brand new system is still flaky.I strongly caution anyone from investing hard earned money in this fiasco dell calls support and customer satisfaction.

4.4K Posts

April 2nd, 2005 01:00

this should be put in the customer support forum, only dell owners/non owners and some moderators look at this forum.

303 Posts

April 2nd, 2005 12:00

the time frame you have is 21 days from date of invoice not of delivery...I belive that is correct 98%...if its not iam sure some one will post after this....I can only tell from your brief statement but it seems that you only have one issue about wireless drivers.....well try to post your complete problem and I bet some one in here willl have an answer to help you.....try to first list your system specs,,, and complete nature of the problem..........

44 Posts

April 2nd, 2005 17:00

Powderoo is correct. You have 21 days from invoice, not delivery.


Dell usually returns the money to the credit card you used to purchase the computer. It is usually returned within 30 days.

However if you post your problem in this forum and be more specific then my computer is still flaky, you will find many knowledgeable people more then willing to help you.


Hope this helps,

tony merc



127 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 00:00

I don't know where to begin. Hmm...let's see. Okay, first of all, Dell is in now way similar to Sears. Why don't you just compare Dell to a grocery store.
All call support does not indeed come from India. There are people that take calls in the US, the Phillipines, Panama, Ireland, and many, many other places. Sorry if you haven't gotten to experience support from those places.
In case you haven't noticed, It is 2005, not 1950. In 1950, companies that manufactured products that needed support of some sort did not have hundreds of millions of customers. It would not be practical for Dell to call people and ask how their computers are doing. 80% of the people they called would say they have no problem. The other 20% would say they do, but only 10% of them would have a legitimate problem. Most people that call tech support or customer support of any kind have stupid questions.
The reason that they ask for your name and phone number when you chat with them is to have proof of ownership. They don't need to waste their time talking with people who don't even own a Dell computer.
You're right about one thing, though. Dell won't read this, and really, they have no reason to. This is a peer support forum.
Next time you post with a complaint, please have a legitimate argument to back up your comments. Also, if you're going to post in a forum meant for support for systems, then please post your problem.

610 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 03:00


Sorry you've encountered problems and are having second thoughts. Working with computers takes a bit more savvy and customer involvement than other items you may have had serviced in the past. That's just the way it is, no matter the company. As mentioned, this forum is made up of people who try to help other people with specific problems. We all work hard to try to keep the general complaining to a minimum. The reason why is that by it's nature, a problem solving forum will be used by people having problems - so it could easily turn into a big complaint site. So if you want to try to work with people to fix your issues, come back and give specifics about your system, model, problem, etc.
All of that having been said, if you had bough say, an HP computer from Sears, (not sure which ones they sell) you would surely have been to India or somewhere else overseas with them as well. Sears doesn't do any troubleshooting on computers. They just sell them, (or they used to). The weird thing is, many people who complain about the offshoring of tech support functions often own shares in (or funds that own shares) the very copmanies that are offshoring. It's all driven by the almighty dollar and the stockholders. Do a thorough check of your 401K plans, portfolios, etc. if you don't believe me.

Message Edited by parkerti on 04-02-2005 11:14 PM

7 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 13:00

I don’t know where to begin. Hmm...let’s see. Okay, first of all, Dell should have to live up to and deliver the same standards of service as every other major company doing business in the united states. In case you haven’t noticed it is 2005. Many companies still recognize and promote that some things should never change. A friendly thank you card for instance, no company will ever stop doing those, I think they started before the 1950'. Do you find it peculiar that your bank has a branch for you too goto and handle a customer care issue? If you haven’t noticed Dell labels this sight under customer care and this is a community forum. It is a shame that you suggest Dell will not look at comments placed here, they service the community don’t they? You stated most people that call tech support have stupid questions and only 10% of all complaints are legitimate.

I know that PSEG, or VERIZON, or even SEARS would appreciate your knowledge and belief in that philosophy. I can only interpret from your profile that you are immature if not in age but in your mind-set, and that you probably spend too much time in front of a computer. You should know there is another world out there and seek professional help.!

4.4K Posts

April 3rd, 2005 15:00

so i guess since you just want to cry about dell and not post your info/problem with your computer so someone can try to help you. then i guess you don't need help. 

7 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 17:00

I don’t know where to begin. Hmm...let’s see. Okay, first of all, Dell should have to live up to and deliver the same standards of service as every other major company doing business in the united states. In case you haven’t noticed it is 2005. Many companies still recognize and promote that some things should never change. A friendly thank you card for instance, no company will ever stop doing those, I think they started before the 1950'. Do you find it peculiar that your bank has a branch for you too goto and handle a customer care issue? If you haven’t noticed Dell labels this sight under customer care and this is a community forum. It is a shame that you suggest Dell will not look at comments placed here, they service the community don’t they? You stated most people that call tech support have stupid questions and only 10% of all complaints are legitimate.

I know that PSEG, or VERIZON, or even SEARS would appreciate your knowledge and belief in that philosophy. I can only interpret from your profile that you are immature if not in age but in your mind-set, and that you probably spend too much time in front of a computer. You should know there is another world out there and seek professional help.!

ps not sure you got this the first time

7 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 17:00

yes BOBO things are going better , but that still does not mean I am happy. Think about this you smack, I shouldn't have to go here for help from people not employed by dell. Are you dell's big brother, why be sarcastic my valid points fall on the deaf ears of someone riding a cow.

127 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 19:00

Well, it seems nosmile has learned how to copy and paste.

First of all, Dell does live up to the standards of any company in the U.S. that manufactures products that need support. All of the electronics in my house came from Best Buy, and they have not once called to ask if they were okay. I have bought fitness equipment from Sears, and guess what...nobody ever called me to ask, "Hey, are your treadmill and home gym working well?"

I also haven't ever gotten a thank you card from any company either, aside from the builder of my house. I've gotten them from people who have received gifts from me. Wal-mart has never sent me a card thanking me for buying a bag of chips. Microsoft never sent me a card, either. They do include a thank you somewhere in the packing, but so does Dell, at least for me.

No, Dell does NOT label this "sight" (site?) under Customer Care. They label it under support. Customer Care is the board where you should have posted your complaint in the first place. Support means help. This forum is for peer to peer help. Customer Care is a forum that Dell does read, because they are indeed concerned about their customers. Many people post their problems with Customer Service there and their problems are resolved. On the contrary, Dell has no reason to read this forum, as they have provided other efficient ways to contact them about problems with your system. If you have a problem with your car and you ask your friend about it, do you also expect the manufacturer of that car to be listening in on your conversation so they can help you? No, you have to contact them if you want them to provide a solution. If you just want a friends help, then you just ask your friend.

Yes, I did state that most people that call tech support have stupid questions and only 10% of all problems are legitimate. I'm confused about one thing. Did you just type that because you were bored, or am I supposed to magically know what your problem with that statement was?

If you can interpret from my profile that I am immature, then I can interpret that you are a senile old woman. I'm guessing you're not (the senile part, that is), but apparently we have the right to interpret random things now, so from now on, in my mind, you shall be a senile old woman.

It sounds to me that you spend too much time reminiscing about your life 55 years ago. I suggest you take up knitting or whatever else it is that old men or women do.

7 Posts

April 3rd, 2005 22:00

My gosh I didn’t think it was possible for a person to be so much in love with a company or defend them so much. You must really be into the holes on the side of your spiffy new dell computer.

Take the time to wipe your face your perspiring from all of your defense

127 Posts

April 4th, 2005 20:00

You know it's funny. I wasn't trying to defend the company at all, although I do think Dell is a better company than a lot of people make it out to be. I was simply pointing out the stupidity and lack of truth in your argument. For your information, my Dell computer is 5 years old, which means it is neither "spiffy" nor new.

7 Posts

April 5th, 2005 00:00


All of a sudden you are not trying to defend dell support, but you frequent the web sight to pick on those who may not be as computer literate as you to make them " prove and establish " their problem as if you were Mr. Dell. It is not enough for you to monitor with an aspiring desire to help, which I do appreciate but you have to go to the extreme of insulting and haggling with people. Instead to be the crossing-guard. The mother -hen that watches only to ridicule..Do you work for the space program or " THE COMMUNITY FORUM ".

If you want to believe that you are the "TECH OFFICIAL" why didn’t you just look passed my statements and move on to your troubleshooting kingdom and help someone else .

That wasn’t enough for your sickness you are the type of individual that has to get a response from your investment in all of the time with your hands.


Craig Gibau that would fly to discuss your problem further!

7 Posts

April 5th, 2005 01:00

hey yoyo boppo have not heard back from you , whats up are you still crying.

127 Posts

April 5th, 2005 19:00

First of all, I don't frequently visit the "sight" (site?, woah, deja vu). I get an email every time that someone posts a reply to a thread I have also posted in or subscribed to.

Many people on this forum ask others to further explain their problem because, often, there is not enough information provided to help the person. I never asked you to prove and establish the problem. This was because you didn't have a problem in the first place. You were just posting a useless complaint, which didn't even have reason to support it. I was not insulting you, and I apologize if you took it that way. I was simply trying to demonstrate why your complaint was useless and arbitrary, since you posted in a forum meant for support for systems. If you had posted it in the correct forum, it would have made sense.

As of right now, I'm still confused by the remark about the space program, which has never been mentioned before and has absolutely no relation to "THE COMMUNITY FORUM".

I am in no way a "TECH OFFICIAL", as some of my other posts prove. I am willing to help people that have a legitimate problem if I know how to solve the problem.

I'm still trying to figure out if that last paragraph even makes sense.

As for insulting, you seem to have done some insulting yourself:
" hey yoyo boppo have not heard back from you , whats up are you still crying."

Personally, I think he was right:
"so i guess since you just want to cry about dell and not post your info/problem with your computer so someone can try to help you. then i guess you don't need help."

He just said the same thing I did, but he avoided the detail. Why are you insulting him?

I was looking at your posts, and I found that you did indeed post in the right forum. I'm glad you did so. I do, however, find it pathetic that you created a thread about me. I guess I'll have to look and see what's written, but I'm guessing that it's not important, because you have no replies. Maybe I will post one.
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