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This post is more than 5 years old


10 Posts


March 26th, 2006 00:00

E1505 won't connect to Westell 327W gateway

My just-out-of-the-box Inspiron E1505 will not connect to two different Westell 327W gateways. The Westell 327W is a DSL modem/wireless router that is provided by Verizon. My E1505 will connect ok to a number of other wireless networks I've tried. Just not the two with the Westells. I have the Dell 1390 wireless card in my machine. Dell tech support had me call Verizon. The Verizon tech tried a number of things with no results. No other wireless notebooks have any trouble connecting to the two Westells. The Dell tech called me back and said I needed to send the notebook back and have an Intel card installed. Is this really the only solution? There's a ton of these Westell units around here. It was the preferred equipment provided by Verizon. Why would Dell install a wireless card that is not compatible with this router? I'm dissappointed with my new notebook already.

1.4K Posts

March 26th, 2006 04:00

Lots of Westell owners have solved this problem by plugging a wireless access point or wireless router into one of the RJ-45 ports on the Westell and connecting the notebook to this.  It's not an  uncommon issue.

1.4K Posts

March 26th, 2006 18:00

Ok, let's see:  the Dell connects fine to other wireless networks.  It doesn't connect to Westells.  Two different Westells, in fact.  Google that Westell, and you'll see that other makes and models cannot connect to the Westell.  So, do you think that maybe, just maybe, the problem is in the Westell design?  That maybe your ISP went with the low bidder and the users are now paying the price?  Just food for thought.

10 Posts

March 26th, 2006 18:00

Yes, I understand that. But don't you think Dell should install a wireless card that works with this gateway? Verizon has distributed a ton of these gateways as part of it's DSL package. I'm writing this right now on on an old PII notebook that has a Belkin card that I bought at Wal Mart!! This card works fine. Why shouldn't Dell's card be expected to do the same? I also use my notebooks on my boat in the summer. My marina uses a Westell gateway for wireless access on the docks. Am I supposed to tell the marina that they need to install a new wireless router because MY equipment is inferior? Yea, let me try that one!!! As you can see, I'm not happy at all.

10 Posts

March 26th, 2006 20:00

Point noted. But you must admit, you probably can't find a cheaper wireless card than the $35 one sold at WalMart. And that one works fine. Sounds to me like Dell took the cheap way out, don"t you? After all, Dell tech support told me that I should return it for swap out with an Intel card.

1.4K Posts

March 26th, 2006 21:00

Here's one cheaper, with free shipping.  I like the Intels.


11.9K Posts

March 26th, 2006 22:00

@agregorewsky wrote:
Thanks for your suggestion that I spend more money to replace the inferior product that Dell supplied.

I'm missing something here.  Dell has offered to swap the card for an Intel card.  So, take the offer.  Have them send it, open the compartment, switch the cards, stick their pre-paid label on the box and ship the old card back.  No need to send the computer in.

I agree that the issue is a Verizon issue, not a Dell noting the other incompatible cards.

10 Posts

March 26th, 2006 22:00

Thanks for your suggestion that I spend more money to replace the inferior product that Dell supplied.

11.9K Posts

March 27th, 2006 23:00

@agregorewsky wrote:

Yes, I guess you are missing something. They aren't offering to GIVE me the Intel card. I have to call and pay for it as if it was a first time purchase. And they aren't offering to take the Dell card back for any credit either. But by now I guess they've worn me down. I just can't bring myself to talk to another single one of the fine citizens of Moombai. They won!

I see nothing posted by you re: Dell charging you.  They send send it back and they'll put in Intel per your post.

Call them back, ask them to send the Intel card and you'll pay any difference vs. the Dell card ($10 or so), then you'll return the Dell card for a full credit.  Or, tell them the system is coming back as defective, and be nice.

10 Posts

March 27th, 2006 23:00

Yes, I guess you are missing something. They aren't offering to GIVE me the Intel card. I have to call and pay for it as if it was a first time purchase. And they aren't offering to take the Dell card back for any credit either. But by now I guess they've worn me down. I just can't bring myself to talk to another single one of the fine citizens of Moombai. They won!


10 Posts

March 27th, 2006 23:00

I'll try that and thanks for the suggestion!

11.9K Posts

March 28th, 2006 00:00

@agregorewsky wrote:
I'll try that and thanks for the suggestion!

Sure.  My old I8100 came with an ActionTec mini PCI card (modem/ethernet).  Didn't work properly, Dell played games.  I did my research, told them to send me a 3Com card and I would return the ActionTec.  They did, it worked great for three years. 

10 Posts

March 28th, 2006 13:00

FYI, I struck out with Dell. the only thing they were willing to do was sell me a new Intel card for $80 and ship it free. (And, yes, I was VERY nice!) No consideration for the Dell card already in my machine because they installed it "free"! Yea, right. I can buy the same card  (Intel 3945ABG) on Amazon for $60, free shipping, too.

I'm not coming away with a warm and fuzzy feeling here. But that's just me, you know?

Maybe I can keep the Dell card on my keychain as a reminder to:

1. Check specifications of components more closely prior to purchase.                                               

2. Consider/compare other brands and search the internet for customer service experiences with those other brands prior to purchase.

3. Sell my Dell stock

C'est la vie!





11.9K Posts

March 28th, 2006 14:00

@agregorewsky wrote:

FYI, I struck out with Dell. the only thing they were willing to do was sell me a new Intel card for $80 and ship it free. (And, yes, I was VERY nice!) No consideration for the Dell card already in my machine because they installed it "free"! Yea, right. I can buy the same card  (Intel 3945ABG) on Amazon for $60, free shipping, too.

I'm not coming away with a warm and fuzzy feeling here. But that's just me, you know?

Maybe I can keep the Dell card on my keychain as a reminder to:

1. Check specifications of components more closely prior to purchase.                                               

2. Consider/compare other brands and search the internet for customer service experiences with those other brands prior to purchase.

3. Sell my Dell stock

C'est la vie!

The "A" of A/B/G is unneeded.  You can get an Intel 2200 b/g card for as little as $20 if you look around...

Sorry Dell didn't play ball, and their $80 price is absurd.  This outsourcing to India has really gotten them to be so unresponsive as to be absurd.

10 Posts

March 28th, 2006 16:00

Thanks for your advice. I did locate an "ABG" for $31 so I bought it. Now I'm really covered.

I'm just getting tired of dealing with the "Pamelas", and "Peters", and "Kenneths" from Dell customer support. I just love those names. I'm half expecting to talk to "Lance" or "Buffy" at some point! I just can't stand them asking me even one more time "do you mind if I put you on hold?" And then after 3-5 minutes come back on and ask if it's ok to keep me on hold. All the while assuring me they will handle my problem.

We do, ultimately, "pay" in some manner for low initial prices.

Thanks again.

1 Message

March 29th, 2006 02:00

Well I won't say that I caught a raw deal. I am , however disapointed. Waiting a week for my new lap top, only to discover that I can't log on sitting on the couch, bed or toilet. Well I'll be honest. It bites. You live and you learn. I blame me. I bought an Acer notebook 2 weeks ago for myself and got the wife the Dell. Now she'll just use my Acer until I can get the Dell to work with the Westell Versalink. So,  I have to change the networking card huh! Oh well. Helps the economy I suppose!

Message Edited by benbe5312 on 03-28-2006 10:32 PM

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