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January 14th, 2012 19:00

Attempting to use file DMC 521-010111.EXE file to Flash BIOS of Dimension E521

I downloaded it from the Dell Drivers site as appropriate to flash the BIOS of my Dell Dimension E521 computer. When I open the file in Windows XP Professional SP3, I get the message "NOTICE!!! Running on an unsupported system." The "Continue" button is grayed out. The only option is the "Cancel" button. The flash file seems to be for a C 521, but it is the only one that comes up when I request the BIOS file to flash my BIOS with. Any ideas?

January 15th, 2012 02:00

Update... The reason that the DMC521 wouldn't work is that it was for a Dimension C521, not the E521. I went looking for the correct BIOS flashing program for the E521 and found it. It's DME521-010111.EXE. The Dell site for my computer supplied the wrong program. The right program is supplied by Dell at

Happy flashing!


6.4K Posts

January 14th, 2012 20:00

Have you tried starting Windows in Safe Mode and using the Admin account to run the file?

Did Dell send you a Resource CD having the Utilities, Diagnostics, and Drivers for your computer?  If you still have that you could also try saving the BIOS update to a CD, Boot the Dell Resource CD, exit from the utilites to a DOS prompt (you may need to search the menu a bit to find this option), and once having reached the DOS prompt, try running the file by ejecting the Resource CD, inserting the CD having the BIOS file, and executing the file by typing its complete name, to include the three characters following the period in the name.

At one time in Dell's history the BIOS flash files would execute only from DOS.  Windows XP, even if started with a command prompt, does not qualify as DOS.  I thought that nearly all recent files were executable from within Windows, but this file is dated in 2007 and may have just missed the cutoff date for the newer version of the BIOS flash files.

14.4K Posts

January 15th, 2012 06:00


Thanks for finding the solution to this issue. Dell not to long ago reworked the Support web site and things go messed up. I have forwarded this info up the chain for them to fix.

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