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This post is more than 5 years old


November 5th, 2007 02:00

After Re-installing Win XP Pro - Software Drivers??

OK -
First I MUST THANK ALL who responded to my other problem and provided me with the slipstreaming to take my XP PRO to XP PRO SP2 and the IMG to boot the CD.
Now my XPS400 is running AGAIN!!  BUT...
All the software that was is on the PC is not linked into the Windows/system32 directory for the DLL's.
QUESTIONIs there some way to install all the drivers I need from some site so I do not have to re-install all the software over again?  We all know how long it takes to Install Office Pro 2007!!  Not to mention photoshop, the other adobe products I have as well as every thing else on the drive.
I have been very please with the assistance I have received on the Dell Forum.  Thank you!!

40 Posts

November 5th, 2007 02:00

Well Dell keeps all their drivers for download at - you can actually open two windows and have your original system configuration open in one and the driver list in the other so you can make sure you get all the right ones, then burn your own driver disk.

If I understand you right though, you're looking to make a quick install CD of windows, the drivers and your programs. If that's what you want, I'd recommend using Symantec/Norton Ghost to take an image of your system after you've installed everything and gotten it just right - it's proprietary software (not free) but it's the best one I've used for that purpose.

One of the things Microsoft actually did right with Vista was build that kind of functionality into it by default - if you've got Premium or better, that is.

12 Posts

November 5th, 2007 03:00

That is what I thought - will have to make my own cd and then re-install everything and then GHOST it for the software.  Will have to be sure to use CDRW since always changing/adding software.
Thanks for the input.
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