The following steps help you identify if your Chromebook has been Deprovisioned.
Turn the Chromebook on. Once you are at a log-in screen, click the clock in the lower right corner, and you see the Wi-Fi icon.
Then you see available networks. Choose the one you have and connect.
This gives the Chromebook a chance to receive the update from the Google admin console to Deprovisioned it.
Next, look to see if there is a "Browse as Guest" option.
If the "Browse as Guest" option is not there, the System is still enrolled. You can wait a little longer to see if it changes, but if there is no "Browse as Guest," it is still provisioned/enrolled.
If "Browse as Guest" is available, select the option.
Once you are in the ChromeOS, open up the browser.
Type the following: chrome://policy
You see the following screen.
Look at the status at the bottom of the list. It should show Deprovisioned. Google suggests that you click "Reload Policies" to ensure it is up to date.
If the status shows Deprovisioned, it is completed.
Note: Even after the status shows its Deprovisioned, it may still show that it is managed by a school. It will until the operating system is Recovered.
After the ChromeOS recovery, you can go back to chrome://policy and it will show "No Policies Set."