Customer or user must make sure that Dell Technologies Support Account Email is associated with Unity's S/N, and Site ID in order to configure Integrated SRS or SCG and or Centralized SRS.
In order to check whether the account is associated, follow below instruction.
1) Access to Dell Technologies Support page from here
2) Login with your account
3) From Support's main at bottom page select Administrative Support.
4) Select Enterprise Online Account Help
5) From "Tell us more" -> Manage Contacts` Access and Roles
Enter Unity's registered Site ID (Wait for about 3 seconds and the Site ID pops out and you can select it)
6) Select preferred method of contact support (If "Chat" is unavailable select Create Service Request)
7) Fill out necessary information
Ask below questions as an example.
"Currently we are unable to configure SRS or SCG with Dell Support Account's email address;"
"Please help to confirm whether Unity's S/N:XXXX is associated with Dell Support Account email address" "If it is not associated, help to associate the Email account"
After initial contact, Dell Technical Support will help to confirm whether user's account is entitled to configure SRS or SCG.
The support may ask for additional information in order to confirm customer's current status.
Follow their instruction and provide additional information as necessary.
8) After Unity's S/N, and the Account is associated, try to configure SRS again to see if Error Code:0x6400b82 appears.
If the issue does not resolve, collect Service Information log and contact our support.
Also mention support that customer followed this KB.