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IDPA and PowerProtect DP Series: How to check, schedule, create, and troubleshot DPA reports.

Summary: Reporting is one of the key functions of DPA. This KB Article shows how to run reports and how to set up scheduled reports in the DPA.

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DPA reports can be run one time (ad-hock) or scheduled to run at a specific time and sent out by email/SharePoint/saved to file. 

To run a report ad-hock, click the hamburger icon in the upper left of the DPA UI and select Run Reports item under the Reports menu.

Report menu for DPA

Select Scope for the report, this is the server or object you want to run the report against. Usually a backup server, in this case we selected the Avamar server

Report scope menu

Next expand the second item, "Report Template," you can select a report template from one of the menus or search in the box at the top of this section. We searched for "Job Summary" and it selects that report. 

Report template menu

Next expand the second item, "Time Period (Last Day)" and select the time period for the report to run against. You can select a predefined or a custom time period.  In this case we use the default time period of "Last Day," this shows us the last 24 hours.

Time period select menu

Now click the Run Report button. This renders the report on the screen, in the right-hand pane.

Report shown in screen


Reports can be scheduled to run daily or a regular schedule and can send them out through email, push to SharePoint, or save to a file. 

To send an email out through email, you have to configure an SMTP/Email server in DPA. 
To configure SMTP/Email, click the hamburger icon in the upper left of the DPA UI and select Global Email item under the System Settings menu.

Global email menu item

You have to provide the following:

Items in Global Email Settings
Mail Server Host Name This is the FQDN of the mail server.
Mail From Address This is the address that the email will be set from.
Mail Server Port Port number on the mail server that we are connecting to.
Security Protocol Select either "none" or "SSL\TLS" depending on the mail server settings.
STARTTLS Required This will be checked if it is required by the mail server.
Credentials If the mail server requires credentials, you set up the credentials in System Settings>Credentials, and select them here. 

Global email fields

Once you have email configured on the DPA system, we can set up scheduled reports to be emailed out. 

To schedule a report, click the hamburger icon in the upper left of the DPA UI and select Report Jobs item under the Reports menu.

Scheduled report menu item

Then select Scheduled Reports tab and click the CREATE button.

Create report button

In the pop-up box, enter the Description, this is the name of the report in the DPA UI.
Click the SELECT REPORT or SELECT DASHBOAD TEMPLATE button, to select which report will be run. 

Select Report Template setting box

Select the System Report Template tab, then click the filter icon and search for the report template you want. Select the report template by clicking the radial button next to the report. Then click the SELECT button at the bottom right, to select that report. 

Select the Scope by clicking the SELECT SCOPE button and select what systems you want to run this report against. 
Select the Time Period by clicking the SELECT TIME PERIOD button and choosing a time period. 

Under the Schedule Options section, select the time to run the report. 
Click the radial button next to Selected Schedule and then click the SELECT SCHEDULE button. In the pop up box, click the radial button next to the schedule run time you want, then click the OK button.

Manage Schedules box

Under the Publish Settings section, add how to send out the report. 
Click the CREATE button. 

Create Publish Settings box

Select the radial button next to the way that you want to send out the report. In this case, we selected Email.
Select the way that you want the report displayed in the Report format line. 
If you selected File for the method, then put in the file name in the File settings section.
If you selected SharePoint for the method, then put in the Site Name in the SharePoint Settings section. 
If you selected Email for the method, then fill in the following:

To filed, this is the email address to send the reports to. This is a comma-separated list up to 255 charters long. 
Subject filed, this will be the subject of the email when set out. 
Email behavior field, select "Embed" or "Attached." Embed will have the report in the email body, where Attached will have the report as an attachment to the email. 

Click the OK button. 

Once all that is filled out, click the SAVE and TEST button to run this report now. Click the OK button to save these settings and the report will run on the schedule selected. 

Edit Scheduled Report box

You will see you scheduled report in the Scheduled Reports tab now.

Scheduled report listed in tab

Additional Information


Affected Products

PowerProtect Data Protection Software


Integrated Data Protection Appliance Software
Article Properties
Article Number: 000193130
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024
Version:  2
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