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PowerEdge: iDRAC Updates fail with error RED014 - Job for this device is already present

Summary: Update failure, RED014 - Job for this device is already present, potential causes and resolutions.

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Performing an In-Band (IB) or Out of Band (OOB) iDRAC/LCC firmware update may fail with the following error message:

iDRAC RAC0603: Updating Job Queue

Job Queue shows failed or may experience a task time-out this could induce an LCC boot loop.


iDRAC Update


RAC0603: Updating Job Queue. The status of the update jobs can be viewed and managed within the Job Queue page. Click the Job Queue button to view the status of the update jobs.


update error

(Fig.1 iDRAC Updates Complete)


Job Queue Error


RED014: Job for this device is already present.

job que error

(Fig.2 Job queue)

Deleting or reuploading the firmware may result in the same error.




Connect SSH.

To clear and remove the error, you must clear the job queue using Secure Shell (SSH) 

To do this, you must use a Secure Shell (SSH) client like putty. 

Enter the IP of the affected iDRAC like below. 


(Fig.3 PuTTY configuration window)

Log in to the secure session using root and password of the iDRAC.


Clear Job Queue Command


Clear the iDRAC Job queue use following command. 


racadm job queue delete -i JID_CLEARALL_FORCE


To clear a job using the id, obtain the ID from the iDRAC Graphical User Interface (GUI) and use the following command.


racadm job queue delete -i <jobID>


This deletes all the iDRAC's job queue items.

Expected output -


Log in as: root
root@ password:
/admin1-> racadm job queue delete -i JID_CLEARALL_FORCE
Create Job Identifier:
RAC1032; JID_CLEARALL_FORCE jobs was canceled by the user.


You should now be able to upload iDRAC updates using normal methods.

Note: Update your iDRAC to the latest firmware version should prevent this error reoccurring.

Affected Products

iDRAC7, iDRAC8, iDRAC9, Lifecycle Controllers
Article Properties
Article Number: 000134563
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024
Version:  5
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