iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 firmware update jobs fail with "RED007: Unable to verify Update Package signature" if the following conditions are met:
Fig 1- RED007: Unable to verify Update Package signature.
Also, the error message will also get populated within the Lifecycle Controller Logs with additional details regarding failure.
Fig 2 - RED007: Unable to verify Update Package signature.
The Update Package security signature cannot be verified.
Systems Management Applications that leverage Out of Band update methods (ex: OpenManage Essentials, OpenManage Enterprise, Chassis Manager Controller) will encounter this failure as well.
iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 Dell Update Packages (DUP) no longer carry SHA-1 digital signatures. This DUP change was introduced in iDRAC firmware and later. iDRAC7 and iDRAC8 version or later added support to verify the SHA256 signatures. iDRAC must be running one of the following versions to support SHA-256 DUP payloads through Out of Band updates.
Leverage one of the following workarounds to update to the latest iDRAC firmware on impacted systems: