Superuser Profile

Date Joined:
Nov 1, 2008
Solutions 190
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Likes Given 1343


8 Wizard

Tesla1856 • Joined 

November 1st, 2008

About me

I own and operate a small Texas based software development company in the USA. My previous training and background is in tech-support of various computers, networks, and point-of-sale systems. I code and game on my Alienware Aurora-R6 (2017) and still use my older Aurora-R1 (upgraded with SSD and Nvidia GTX-1070). Registered Microsoft Partner and Apple Developer. Gaming when I'm not programming. I answer questions here, but I'm not a Dell employee.

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XPS 8960

XPS 8960

Alienware Aurora R16

Alienware Aurora R16

Latitude 7430

Latitude 7430

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