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August 12th, 2022 01:00

xps 9305 critical process died

Hello to everybody.

After 2 months and very few workin hours, my new XPS 9305 has shown the BSOD with the following messages:

"critical process died"   ->  "Computer need to be restarted".

Then, after the first restarting, the PC entered in this routine that never ended.

So I ran the Dell Procedure for reinstall Windows

First with "keep My files" option -> result: all files deleted

Second without the option of keep file (they were no more there). After the installation, the system now enter in the screen with the DELL logo but without loading the OS.

I also ran the hardware deep test finding no issues.

I think that some drivers upgrade  has been done (without my ack), that caused this situation.

I'm quite ungry cause  this PC was purchased thinking that it belongs to the top end of windows systems, and now, after 2 months, I'm without  data, without PC and with all the system to be reinstalled and reconfigured. 

Never happen before in more than 30 years of experience with computers.

Now I'm going to download an executable USB flash from the DELL site hoping that   procedure will be more effective but I fear that I have to send back the PC to dell. 

If anybody has some further suggestion, please 


P.S. I made the order at the end of March. The PC is arrived mid of May. On the DELL site the warranty period is said to start at the date of puchased and NOT at the one of delivery in my hands. I have already lost 1,5 months of warranty with the PC in this condition. .

6 Professor


2.8K Messaggi

August 12th, 2022 02:00

Hi fellow user!

Sorry to hear about your troubles.

Straight to the point: downloading Dell OS Recovery Tool was probably the best thing you could do, it has all the drivers you need for your configuration, things should be fine once you're done with the installation process.


Next time you have a BSOD don't go nuclear on your laptop! At least not right off the bat..!

There is a diagnostic file called minidump (in C:\Windows\minidump) that is generated each and every time a BSOD happens, and it contains all the data you need to find out the culprit. Sometimes all it takes is to reinstall a driver or delete a file and the BSOD is gone. Even when the system goes into a restarting loop, you can still enter safe mode and retrieve the file. I could have analysed it and given you a solution. Or maybe not. But most of the times we manage to find a fix and you don't need to reinstall the whole OS. Furthermore, it's important to know what process caused the issue, to make sure you don't reinstall the same broken software and find yourself in the exact same situation.

Nessun evento trovato!
