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30 Posts


June 23rd, 2021 04:00

XtremIO Unable to Create the cluster

Hi all,

While creating cluster, receiving below error. But when I perform built in test for SCs, went fine without any issues. Connectivity test between XMS and SCs are passed. Any assistance here please.

XMS Completion Code: not_all_nodes_discovered_successfully


June 23rd, 2021 06:00

Added to that, observed SC2 was not discovered..

Creating Cluster "xxxx"...
15:09:12 - X-Brick 1 Storage Controller 2 was not discovered
15:09:12 -
[##### ] 9% Hardware Discovery (elapsed time 00:00:03)
*** XMS Completion Code: not_all_storage_controllers_discovered_successfully


Failed to locate SYM. Aborting..

Tried recover from XMS, still no luck..

Warning: xms's ssh user group [xmsusers] does not exist, nothing to clear
Unrecoverable error encountered: Can't find SYM! Aborting.. Check the xms.log file.




7K Posts

June 23rd, 2021 10:00

Hello tsamuel090590,

You will want to Reboot the Storage Controllers through xinstall menu.  After the reboot, try re-running the create-cluster command. If you are still getting the error, then you will need to open a support case & reference Article Number: 000030613.

June 23rd, 2021 11:00

@DELL-Sam L tried rebooting that didn't work. As well tried reconfiguring ip configuration it shows PM unable to communicate with Sym. Since array not under support, couldn't take that call. I'm okay with wiping data and configuration of the array. Any other suggestion please.



7K Posts

June 23rd, 2021 12:00

Hello tsamuel090590,

The only other thing is to do a Xtremapp format to both Storage Controllers in the same X-Brick.  Now if you know the command then you will need to be logged in to the storage controller as root then you can run the command.  I can’t provide the command as it is limited to support & partners only.

June 29th, 2021 01:00

Manage to reformat SCs with rescue image.. While creating cluster, the process timed out on loading repository phase and abort the cluster creation..  

[######################## ] 46% Loading the repository (elapsed time 00:10:48)
*** XMS Completion Code: sys_activation_timeout



7K Posts

June 29th, 2021 10:00

Hello tsamuel090590,

I will send you a private message.

November 16th, 2021 05:00

Hi Sam, I am facing a similar issue - reimaged both SC's with rescue image, configured the SCs (both are recognized correctly) but when trying to add the cluster to XMS it fails with message "Can't find SYM! Aborting". Any idea how to resolve i 



7K Posts

November 16th, 2021 13:00

Hello MarkShandrovsk,

You will need to open a support case and you can reference Article Number: 000009894 & support can assist you in resolving your issue.

November 16th, 2021 14:00

Hi Sam, the array unfortunately is not covered with a support contract as I intended to use it in a homelab. Any option that you can contact me directly via my mail address?

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