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11 Posts


August 6th, 2019 13:00

Formt Volumes in XIO

Hi Everyone.

I have volumes unmapped and I don't want to delete these volumes but I wanted to format or erase the data inside these volume, I didn't find format volumes option in XIO Storage Management there is only volumes delete option. 

Any idea if it work to format the volumes and keep them empty. 

XIO 4.0.15,  XMS 4.2.1


Thanks in advance.




18 Posts

August 13th, 2019 07:00

Hello Ahmed,

There is no option to reformat the volumes from XtremIO.

You may want to review what you are trying to achieve here and why. If the data is not important, why maintain the volume? The only thing that you would be maintaining from the XtremIO perspective is the NAA-Identifier. All other aspects could easily be assigned to a new volume during creation once the old volume was deleted.

Deleting the volume through the XMS will also clean up all pointers to the data within the XtremIO that were associated with that volume. This will potentially free up physical capacity. Pending how much of the data was duplicated in other volumes there may still be reference to data blocks.

If your goal is to maintain the container with the current NAA-Identifier, you would need to map the volume to a host and perform reformat and or delete of data from the host. If running the delete please keep in mind that you will still need to run the space reclamation from the host in order to free the space on the storage.

I hope this addresses your question. If not please provide a bit more information on what your goal is and we can advise more appropriately.

Best Regards
David Simpson

11 Posts

August 19th, 2019 09:00

Thanks David,

I was looking to keep the volumes available in case we have new "unplanned" request to add more storage to cluster via the same XIO data-store "container". As you mentioned the only thing that would be maintaining from the XtremIO perspective is the NAA-Identifier and as the volumes is unmapped now and no longer used, So I need to free up some space is XIO and it is not a big deal to delete the volume as the data in these volumes is no longer needed and I can create new volumes in the future if it's required.




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