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1 Rookie


12 Posts


May 28th, 2024 09:06

XPS One 2720 - DisplayPort via Thunderbolt (yes i know the machine is ancient! LOL)

XPS One 2720

XPS One 2720

Hi All - My trusty XPS One 2720 all-in-one is still somehow going strong - a new 512GB standard SSD connected via an MSata adapter board/cable worked wonders (so much for the 256GB limit), along with a 2TB SSD on the old hard drive Sata port.  Even W11 seems to be flying along well.... however I have a question....

I acquired a nice Dell P3223QE 4K monitor as a second screen and was using it happily via HDMI (apart  from the odd W11 moan on screen about certain features not being available - whatever they were).  Had to move my PC while I was on hols as my Sister in Law wanted to use my desk as she was staying, and on return I decided to try connecting it via DisplayPort through the Thunderbolt connection.  Surprisingly it fired up straight away, so I thought all was well.

Come to today.  I switch my machine on and black screen on both monitors.... KILL ME NOW.   Force restart and the same thing.  So I simply switched off the external monitor, tried again, and pow - Dell logo and he booted up - I then switched the external display on and all seemed fine again.  Then I got the pop-up about certain features being unavailable again (which I thought was die to an DP enabled monitor being connected Via HDMI) - so dismissed it.

So my questions for the gurus are..

1. Why would my system not boot when the monitor is connected via Thunderbolt?  Would the PC maybe think it has an external drive connected maybe via that port?  Do I need to set something in the BIOS?

2. Why is W11 saying some features are unavailable?  It all seems to be working fine (once booted up). There is no info at all about the Thunderbolt port compatibility options anywhere that I can find on the Dell website (or original manual).

I know at some point this poor old guy will need to be retired, but he's been my trusty friend for many years, and is still super fast (10 sec or so boot to desktop) etc, and seems to not want to go yet! 

7 Technologist


10.9K Posts

May 28th, 2024 14:46

not a guru and do not know the answer to 2nd W11 question but I would ignore the W11 since you are using Intel 4th gen not officially supported by W11.  yes it can still run W11 but “certain features” may not apply.

the TB port (besides being a fast storage portal) serves as a mini Display port when you connect an external display using mDP to DP cable.  It was designed that way, no surprise.  If your pc does not post with an external monitor connected to TB it could be due to a POST block. Previously bios approved your external monitor without issue based on your report. If all of sudden now bios does not approve, try enter bios to reset to default.  If possible try clear CMOs setting inside if you can find a jumper on motherboard. the CMOs jumper is labeled #12 on mobo diagram

It is good idea to replace the CMOs battery so your trusted friend can stay in service a bit longer.  It is not as ancient as some other users still tinkering with core 2 cpu or Pentium on Dell.


1 Rookie


12 Posts

May 28th, 2024 15:13

@redxps630​ Thanks for your reply.  Agreed about the CMOS battery - he has had it replaced, along with most other stuff I can change now LOL - not much more I can change except maybe an external GPU I guess (saw someone did that a few years back!). He is pretty maxed out now.

With the monitor now on DP it doesn't post, but did on HDMI - I will go and have a look in the BIOS and see if anything looks wrong... not having used the Thunderbolt before for anything , I haven't encountered the problem so far.

I guess he's only 10 years old now, so not exactly 'ancient', but he is long in the tooth! ;-)

7 Technologist


10.9K Posts

May 28th, 2024 15:48

Bios has to determine which device (storage vs display) you connect to the TB/miniDP port, so it is a more involved firmware test than hdmi. If you want to continue using the TB for DP display I suggest clear CMOs settings via mobo jumper. Resetting bios to default is not as effective.


1 Rookie


12 Posts

May 28th, 2024 16:19

@redxps630​ OK thanks - I will do that next time I open him for his regular cleaning - until then I will just start him with the external screen off.  Thanks again :-)

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