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1 Rookie


80 Posts


February 29th, 2024 15:07

XPS 8930, won't go past 720 Mbps with Xfinity 1.2G plan

XPS 8930

XPS 8930

Hi all,

I have a 4 year old Dell XPS8930. Recently, Xfinity upped our speeds to 1.2Gbps. I have replaced the modem with a CODA56, Router with a TP-Link X55Pro, connected to a TEROW 2.5G switch, replaced the network card with the TP-Link TX201, all of which are capable of handling this speed.  However, when I do a speedcheck, I only reach 740 Mbps and most often below that. I have disabled the on board network card and the Killer suite of tasks.

Any thoughts on why and where to troubleshoot would be great! Thanks.

1 Rookie


80 Posts

June 3rd, 2024 14:59

It turns out that Norton 360 was the offender. I uninstalled it and the network speed got back to 1400Mbps instantly.

5 Practitioner


5.6K Posts

March 1st, 2024 01:28

To test your equipment, go to your ethernet properties and check the connection link speed (receive/transmit).  Performing a large file transfer between your local network.  That will be your network speed test.

When you performed an internet speed test, it only measured the speed of your connection from provider.  With the affects of error correction and other technical, the achieved internet speed would always be lower than the link speed.  

1 Rookie


80 Posts

March 1st, 2024 22:24

Thank you. 

"When you performed an internet speed test, it only measured the speed of your connection from provider"

This is exactly what I am trying to determine. Am I getting the true advertised speed.

My network card shows up as 2500/2500 in properties tab

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