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December 28th, 2021 00:00

Wyse Converter for PC 2.1.2

Is it dead? The WDA in the installer isn't even compatible with the WMS 3.5.1 anymore since it won't register.

Instead of SCCM we were using WDS to deploy Windows 10 in kiosk mode using the Wyse Converter for PC's. Worked ok-ish until log4 CVE came around and forced us into WMS 3.5.1.

Since the WDS Task after Wyse Converter for PC's doesn't do anything anymore, because Wyse took over, I cannot find any means to upgrade the agent other then by hand. Any tricks?

I came as far as this:


WyseConverterforPCs.exe /extract_all:"c:\temp\ex"

Replaced WDA_14.4.3.5_Unified with and renamed again to WDA_14.4.3.5_Unified


Then in deployment ran this succesfully


$source = "\\\deploymentshare$\Applications\WyseConverterEx"

$destination = "c:\temp"

copy-item -Path $source -Destination $destination -recurse -force

Start-Sleep 20

& "c:\temp\Setup.exe" /install /adminpassword:password /userpassword:password

Restart-Computer -Timeout 300



However, perhaps that setup won’t eat the switches /install /adminpassword:password /userpassword:password like WyseConverterforPCs.exe does because despite all being installed properly, it won’t show up in Wyse.

Again, WyseConverterforPCs.exe /install /adminpassword:password /userpassword:password

did work for our environment.

Anyone can help?

or this: Dear developer, please recompile your wise installer project with the latest agents.

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