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1 Rookie


11 Posts


December 11th, 2023 18:23

JavaScript is disabled


I just upgraded my WMS to version 4.2 and requested a free license.

However, the email sent by Dell said JavaScript is disabled! I cannot get the license keys.

Any suggestion? 


3 Apprentice


716 Posts

December 12th, 2023 15:44

I would be willing to bet when you went through the wizard your on-premise identifier looked wrong.   If it looks something like the below, go through the wizard again using different browsers (edge, chrome, Safari) on WMS server, off WMS server until that on-premise identifier does not look like HTML code, and submit for a new key.   

3 Apprentice


716 Posts

December 11th, 2023 19:55

Are you opening the email in your email client or your browser?   try a browser (edge or chrome).   Even though the email says 'JavaScript is disabled" do you see the key at the bottom below Terms &  Conditions?

It starts with a :

1 Rookie


11 Posts

December 11th, 2023 20:45

Thank you for your reply. I tried to open the email on edge and chrome, but still see javascript disabled. I saw terms and conidions.

and also a block of characters but I did not know where is the start of the certificate 

3 Apprentice


716 Posts

December 11th, 2023 21:41

Let me dig into this

1 Rookie


11 Posts

December 15th, 2023 15:51

Correct! I've got those identifier on Edge and Chrome. 

1 Rookie


11 Posts

December 15th, 2023 16:33

Finally, I used an old Internet Explorer to get the correct identification and got the license key.


3 Apprentice


716 Posts

December 15th, 2023 16:53

@lchan​ I am glad you succeeded.   Engineering is aware of the challenges seen by come customers with this new process and is planning to address it.

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