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October 26th, 2021 15:00

Running out of storage???

I saw a similar question posted a while ago with no workable fixes suggested, so I'll try again.

Image attached of what I seen when I go to my partition manager and click on the "C" drive. I've highlighted everything and right clicked properties to see how much room is being taken by what resides on that drive: 43.7 GB. The attached images of the Partition Manager shows "C" is occupied by 221 GB of something, while the aforementioned shows the actual is less than 25% of that. In the mean time, my computer runs slower than dirt and I keep getting notice I need to clean up disc space. Seriously?

Disk Mgmt.jpgC Drive Storage.jpgCan someone at Dell help me figure this out. I steered away from your computers for a decade due to reliability problems then finally bought this computer last year, only to be stuck with this.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

December 13th, 2021 12:00

To correct the issue, the user changed the System Protection- Restore Points- Disk Space Usage.

Make System Restore in Windows 10 Use Less Disk Space

1 Rookie


406 Posts

October 27th, 2021 14:00

have you tried using something like CCleaner to clean up any temporary files as a first line in your troubleshooting?

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