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2 Posts


December 30th, 2023 03:56

Recovering Deleted User Account

​​2 weeks ago, I found 2 nat user files I didn't recognise and deleted them without thinking. Yeah, I know. I'm impulsive at the best of times but am usually far more careful around this kind of thing.
Restore was attempted successfully, but profile wasn't restored.
Backup is not active - so not retrieval options there.
I do have recover software but need to know how to access Hard drive to connect to portable drive case so I can use EASE US data recovery pro to locate files.
I've seen posts on reg edit solutions - however, I need to be able to get into registry without logging into windows.
All up there's probably about 5 things I should have done/not done that I'll create a procedure for, so please spare me hard criticism - I'm already livid with myself including 3,2,1 backup protocol.
Any tips on getting into regedit when unable to login to win 11? Or for getting to hard-drive for recovery?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for your time. 
Update: Looks like a PCIE SSD reader and recovery software are the way forward. I'll add more details if I come unstuck:)
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