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This post is more than 5 years old


March 13th, 2006 22:00

.Net Framework 2.0 troubles

Hi to any and all,
Recently ive had the misfortune to have installed .net 2.0, which led to shutdown errors that XP blamed on "ASP.NET_state service". I wonder if anyone could inform me of the other 'services' that are required to be set as 'automatic' in order for the .net 2.0 to function. I wish i hadnt got it in the first place however!
The following i see are set to manual/disabled:
-'.net runtime optimization service v2.0.....' -manual
-'background intelligent transfer' -manual
-'ASP.NET state service' -Which i set to manual after the shutdown errors began.
If someone could look up the services (on a functional .net2.0 install) for me and post their [manual-automatic-disabled] status, i would be grateful.
I suspect that one of the services i shut off months ago (cant remember which) is required to have been left on auto for the .net2.0 to function.
Thnx for any input- it is a bizarre enquiry, i know!

326 Posts

March 13th, 2006 23:00

Both of my pc's with XP Home & SP1 with most updates
have the 2.0 .net m/s software on them and both are
running fine .. no issues whatsoever

1 Rookie


5.8K Posts

March 13th, 2006 23:00

I have XP Media Center Edition, which requires .NET Framework to function, and I have version 2.0, which has no issues.
.Net Runtime Optimisation service v2.0 is set to 'manual'.
Background Intelligent transfer is set to 'manual'.
Asp.Net State Service is set to "automatic".
I don't know what "Asp.Net Service" setting is optimal, or even whether I need it.  Here is what I found about it:
It's all Greek to me- but I'll let sleeping dogs lie...

50 Posts

March 15th, 2006 12:00

Hey Joe53

Thnx muchly for detailed reply; those setting you listed were as i previously had em also.

..And i cant even speak Greek yet- understood not a word of 'ASP.NET' either!

Only wanted to test out '.Net paint'- so i can live without 2.0 for now.

Thnx again


50 Posts

March 15th, 2006 13:00

Hey 85rx-7se

Yeah its definitely something ive done. Whether it be corrupted install file or download, or more like a service i changed before i knew better (well i still dont). I hope i did no defragments while the install file sat waiting on (d:)...

So what benefit you get from this '.net framework 2.0' ? 

326 Posts

March 15th, 2006 17:00

Some programs that I use require it to run properly
just like some other programs need MS Visual Basic
or they won't run properly or at all
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