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This post is more than 5 years old


October 20th, 2005 21:00

itunes won't open

i have installed/uninstalled/turned off Norton/installed itunes.  It opened exactly once right afterwards.  Now it will not open from either program menu or shortcut.  It appears to still be trying to open when shutting down my computer hours later.  Any ideas.  Security or OS issue?  Have walked through all the steps with Apple. Have a brand new Dimension 3000.

2 Posts

November 4th, 2005 22:00

I have the exact same problem. Have you figured out what to do yet?

November 5th, 2005 22:00

Hey guys,
I found this problem on a PC I admin. It was brand new from Dell, and should have had no problems. However, it became apparent that Windows was trying to open programs, and not being able to - such as Winzip, iTunes, and seemingly arbitrary others.
Upon starting the computer in safe mode, and opening these programs, there was no trouble; it seemed as if Symantec Security Suite had taken over the entire PC, and was restricting program access amongst other things.
I ended up formatting the computer, and reinstalling Windows, and putting my own versions of antivirus software etc on - avoiding all the extra cr4p you get from Dell. Everything's working peachy keen now.
I don't know whether you'd be prepared to go that far, but if you opt for that, there are threads on the forums that can help you.

1 Message

November 16th, 2005 18:00

Hey stephenmcleod,

I was curious if your solution is still working well. I am having the same problem, as well as many other people at a website called "Tech Support Guy." I was wondering if you wanted to share your expertise on the board we have going about iTunes not opening. The URL for the board is: You will have to sign up, it's free, before you can post though. Thanks...


P.s. What programs did you load onto the computer you formatted after you formatted it? What anti-virus program did you use? I am seriously thinking about doing what you did.

November 17th, 2005 06:00

Yep, it's working great. A few people who bought a notebook at the same time are having the same troubles - all the software bundled with the system seems to have bogged it down.

The programs I loaded one were:

- McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0
- WinDVD version something or other
- Nero 7.0

and the usual - iTunes, Msn Messenger, M$ Office, blah blah.

I'll take a look at the url you gave.


November 17th, 2005 06:00

I'm registered as "Greenboy"

January 23rd, 2006 18:00

hello, i hav the same problem!!! i hav a brand spanking new dimension 5150 and it has problems, not only with itunes but shutting down. it just sits there, i hav uninstalled norton and internet security but still no luck. can i fix this with out having to reformat? cos i hav sooo much stuff. it would just be a hassle.:mansad:

2 Posts

January 24th, 2006 00:00

Winamp music player has a itunes plugin so you can remove and add songs in that way...that was my fix. I tried everything to fix this dell/nortons/itunes problem...nothing works...

January 24th, 2006 10:00

Except.... flattening the machine like I said above.....?

1 Message

February 2nd, 2006 03:00

I have an Itunes fix that worked for me I had transfered all of the data from one computer to the new dell  and very little was working so I defragmented the disk   then I found that quicktime was my problem I went into a search found all the quicktime files deleted them and re-installed Itunes and it works just like it did on my old machine

Message Edited by slickken on 02-01-2006 11:15 PM

9 Posts

November 21st, 2018 17:00

If reinstalling iTunes still doesn't solve the problem, you may need to try more fixes: try to open iTunes in secure mode, configure system firewall, and more.

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