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This post is more than 5 years old


July 5th, 2004 14:00

How to use Sonic RecordNow to burn ISO images

I'm trying to use Sonic RecordNow 7.1 that came with my Dimension 2400 to burn ISO images.  When I click on an iso file it tries to install an additional module from the software CD.  It's looking for RNENG.MSI which I can't find on the original Sonic CD that came with my system.  I see RNXXX.MSI for all other languages, but nothing for English.

From looking at the Sonic website, 7.1 is suppose to support burning ISO images.  Anyone know where the RNENG.MSI is or how to get it to burn ISO?  I don't think the verison I received on my Dell is a special LE version and that I need to upgrade

Thanks in advance,


2.5K Posts

July 5th, 2004 17:00

This is the ISO Recorder I use, it can be downloaded from

Message Edited by msgale on 07-05-2004 03:50 PM

44 Posts

October 2nd, 2004 21:00

Hi jhsing,

I had problems with my Sonic s/w on a Dimension 8300. I could not uninstall or reinstall Sonic s/w and I too had the RNENG.MSI file 'missing' problem.

I registered with Sonic (in the UK Dell charge for s/w support after 30 days but support from Sonic is free) and e-mailed the problem to them. After going through long and detailed procedures, they eventually gave me a link to download the Sonic suite I was licenced to own (they thought there may a problrm with the original installation CD). I eventually had to go through the registry and delete keys relating to Sonic and reinstall the s/w. But, in the end the RNENG.MSI problem went away.

So, based on my experiencen, contacting Sonic direct could solve the problem.

1 Message

October 25th, 2004 17:00

I too have had no luck burning an ISO image with recordnow. It looks like the Burn Image project type is not available under the backup projects tab. I tried reinstalling the software but that did not change anything. Dell support gave me the run around for about 2 hours, transfering me here and there and finnaly telling me that I would have to pay $40 to get support for this issue and it was not covered under the 21 day support for preinstalled software, even though the machine is about 12 days old and this software was preinstalled. Dell support is worthless. If this feature is not supposed to work, it would be nice if someone said so, instead of having people waste hours trying to figure out what is going on.
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