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This post is more than 5 years old


February 21st, 2008 15:00

Folder Type goes unknown

I was going through my music and i noticed that my beatles folder was an unknown file type. (icon was a blank piece of paper instead of a folder). If i right click and go to properties it's a big file so i know the "data/songs" are still there but i can't access. everytime i click on it, it asks for a program to open it with. Like i said this happened all of a sudden i didn't change anything.


Is there a way to recover this folder. If it lost it's extension is the a way i can replace it. Has this happened to anyone else?


thanks for the help

138 Posts

February 21st, 2008 22:00

From your description, I assume that all other folders are working normally, and the problem is isolated to this one folder and the folder/files it encompasses/identifies.


If so, the problem is some form of corruption of this folder (either the identification of it as a folder per se, and/or a more serious problem with it).  This does not imply that the files themselves are necessarily corrupted.


Without attempting to diagnose the specific failure with that folder, the safest first step you should take is to run CHKDSK [with no parameters] on the disk.  Among other ways, this can be done in an MS-DOS window that has administrative priviliges.  {Right-click on an MS-DOS Prompt and select "Run as Administrator - then type "CHKDSK" in the resulting window, and press ENTER}.  In the foregoing, I have assumed that the problem is on the residence drive - if not, you must identify the drive to CHKDSK.


This will take a little time, depending on the amount of files on the drive.  If no problems are reported, post again here.  If a problem is reported, run "CHKDSK /F" [check disk with the "Fix" parameter] to repair the problem.  This will require a reboot (CHKDSK will not repair problems on the resident drive while it is otherwise active.


NOTE:  The "size" reported for a folder/directory is that of the files it encompasses, not the space used for the folder/directory itself. The folder/directory itself contains the names, pointers and other information about managing the files.  Correction of the folder/directory itself does not affect the encompassed files themselves.  

112 Posts

February 21st, 2008 23:00

So i ran chkdsk and then chkdsk /f within the command prompt in windows. It said it corrected the errors and it didn't ask to restart, but i restarted anyway. I even did a chkdsk /f in recovery console. Still an unknown folder type. What i tried to do was move the file over to a usb key and my internal hard drive. It's still unknown. I'm thinking it's a lost cause.


Is there not a way to change the type of this file?


Thanks for the reply


138 Posts

February 22nd, 2008 00:00

Okay, the simple way did not work.  So we need to better identify the problem.


1.  Please clip an image of the properties of the "unknown folder/file" and post it here.


2.  When you copied the "unknown folder/file", does it have the same properties of the original?  If not, what differs.  When you copied it, did the system say it was copying one file or more than one?


3.  What is the size of the "unknown folder/fle".  What are its attributes?


4.  Did you ever create a zip or archive or otherwise compressed or encrypted file from the folder/files you are trying to access?  Did you ever hide the folder/files you are trying to access?


5.  When you ran CHKDSK, what was the error you received?  Did CHKDSK split off the orphaned files that had formerly been in that "unknown folder/file"?  Is the "unknown folder/file" the same size as it was before you ran CHKDSK? 


6.  Do you have any problems with your other folders?


There are other, secondary questions, but this should be a start.


Note that there are simple ways to correct the Vista registry to the default for folders in general.  This would not appear to be useful in this case, inasmuch as you are apparently not encountering a general problem, but rather a problem with an individual folder/file.


There are also common ways to change the filetype for individual files.  However, these are not generally applied and/or usable for system file types, such as folders, for obvious reasons of system integrity. Until your problem is more clearly identified, it may be counterproductive to start applying specific repairs.

Message Edited by mxytplk on 02-21-2008 07:12 PM

112 Posts

February 22nd, 2008 02:00

1. i can't insert pic but here's what it looks like


properties tab

type of file - File                   

Description - Beatles             

Location - H:\                      

Size - 7.81MB

Size on Disk - 7.81MB


Modified     - Today



2. The properties did stay the same

3. There aren't any attributes that are checked

4. Did nothing special to the folder.

5. All it said was one or more errors were found and corrected...something like that

6. Other folders are just fine



Thanks for the help with this...

138 Posts

February 22nd, 2008 02:00

Based on this information, here are some additional questions:


1.  How many files did this file/folder at one time encompass/contain?  What were their size(s)?


2.  At an earlier time, was the icon (within Windows Explorer) for this file/folder the same as for regular folders?  If so, when did it change to a blank page (i.e., under what circumstances).  Do you recall installing and/or uninstalling any particular applications around that time.  If so, which?


3.  Do you have any .zip files anywhere on your drive(s)?  How do their icons appear in Windows Explorer?

Message Edited by mxytplk on 02-21-2008 08:41 PM

112 Posts

February 22nd, 2008 02:00

Not too many songs in it...probably around 10-15 songs i guess could be more/less. The icon was just a normal folder icon. I was renaming some songs for a different artist and when i went back to the main artist list, that's when i noticed it was messed up. I haven't installed or uninstalled anything. Zip folders has an icon of a folder with a zipper.


is there a way to open regedit and change something within there to get it to recognize the folder type?



138 Posts

February 22nd, 2008 03:00

A few additional questions:


1.  Please answer the previous question:  When you copy the file, does it say it is copying one item or more than one?  Afterwards, are the properties both identical, with the size you said (7.81MB)?


2.  Do your existing .zip files show up in both the left and right panes of Windows Explorer, with the same modified-folder icon?


3.  Do you have a copy of 7-Zip installed on your system.  What happens if you right click on the "Beatles" file and select 7-Zip > Open archive? 


(If you do not have a copy of that program, it is free. 7-Zip can be obtained here:


P.S  There is a way to fix the Vista registry so that if will properly recognize folders in general on the rare occasions that this is necessary.  There is also a a way to fix the Vista registry and other things so that Vista will properly handle zip files as if they were folders, when this function is failing.  Neither of these problems appear to be present in your case, based on my current understanding of your description of the problem.

Message Edited by mxytplk on 02-21-2008 10:56 PM
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