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This post is more than 5 years old


February 9th, 2006 19:00

Beware XP Media Center Edition 2005--a little review

Many of you have been using Windows OS for many years, many of us since 3.1 or whenever. We've all been thru the various errors 95 used to generate, and the elimination of many of those (supposedly) with the highly unstable first release of 98. 98SE was actually pretty good, fairly stable, actually more stable than its business counterpart NT. Win 2000 was a HUGE improvement, I still really like that OS and run it on my laptop. We won't even discuss ME. Then came XP, with its Home and Pro versions. We all know the XP saga, all the patches, and ultimately SP2, the monster patch. All in all though, a very stable OS, at least for Windows.

Enter XP-Media Center Edition. I guess it first came out a couple years ago or so with little fanfare, and not much in the way of users. Then XP-MCE 2005 was released, and a few people that like to use their PC as a family entertainment hub actually thought it was pretty neat.

But, now we get down to the problems, BIG problems. What MS has done is take a wonderful OS (for them) and add a component called "Media Center" to it. Good idea right? Run all your media from this dashboard, video, audio, burning of those media, photos, etc. Well, I'm going to tell you that unless you are firmly convinced that Microsoft is a lot smarter than you are and knows EXACTLY what you want and what you need, if you aren't one of those sheeple, then if you try to use this OS you are in big trouble in a huge, big, giant major way. You CANNOT run any other types of media burning/editing software with this thing, it conflicts with Microsoft's all knowing Media Center. During the week I battled this DARN thing I discovered I could not use Nero 6, Ulead Video Studio 8, Intervideo Win DVD Creator, and DVD Shr*nk. I'm sure there are others, but my patience was finally exhausted, so I didn't attempt any others. What happens is if you load ANY of those programs it massively destablilizes the entire OS, you get constant crashes, freezeups and just plain non-operational items. And there is no way to unload the Media Center part of the OS, it is not just XP with an add-on, it is a brand new OS with the Media Center as an integral part of it.

All of the above mentioned programs were loaded on a brand new E510, 3.2, gig of RAM, single 80g hd, fairly low end vid card, the ATI 300 PCIE, CD burner drive and DVD burner drive. The problems were experienced on the system as it came loaded from Dell, and then with a fresh OS install. As a program was loaded, problems were noted, and then subsequent problems/conflicts were noted. If a program was uninstalled then system restore was also used.

Final verdict? A huge THUMBS DOWN unless you are one of those users that is content with what Microsoft feeds you stay away, RUN away and hide from this piece of complete and utter garbage. This is probably a bigger mistake than Win ME, and you thought that wasn't possible.

One final thought, why the heck is Dell even selling this OS on machines it was NOT intended to run on? For this OS to be happy you need a TV tuner, pretty high end vid card, tons of hd space, etc., and this E510 was not equipped that way, but it is Dell's default OS for this system.

(BTW, I finally loaded a copy of XP Home last nite, very happy now )

Message Edited by jeeper1 on 02-09-2006 04:13 PM

Message Edited by jeeper1 on 02-09-2006 04:14 PM

10 Posts

February 9th, 2006 22:00

Huh... seems to work great for me. I bought a refurbed 8400 a year ago, deleted the partitions and loaded my own copy of MCE 2005 on it. I have almost exactly the same specs as your 510, right down to the ATI X300SE video card. I use this machine as an HTPC connected to an Optoma projector displaying to an 82" screen. I could not be happier with the results. I use it for watching DVD's and TV (yes, you need a TV tuner card for that), looking at my digital picture slideshows set to background music, home movies captured to the hard drive with the TV tuner/capture card and music listening. This setup has really changed my families entire media experience. I think when used as it was designed, as a media hub, it obviously works well. And I haven't even gotten into the extender functionality or XBOX integration which really enhances it's appeal. I also have all the Call of Duty's and Far Cry loaded on it for occasional gaming (a kick at 82":)) and they don't interfere with anything. I don't however think I would bother with MCE for my primary, general workstation with minimal multimedia needs and a bunch of other apps loaded on it.

I hope your 510 with XP Home serves you well.  

Message Edited by Bdubya on 02-09-2006 06:58 PM

Message Edited by Bdubya on 02-09-2006 06:59 PM

628 Posts

February 10th, 2006 01:00

"One final thought, why the heck is Dell even selling this OS on machines it was NOT intended to run on? For this OS to be happy you need a TV tuner, pretty high end vid card, tons of hd space, etc., and this E510 was not equipped that way, but it is Dell's default OS for this system"
Hmmm That's strange.
It runs quite nicely for me on my E510 I bought back in October..
1gig ram
80gig HD
Integrated Video
Integrated Audio.
I DID add a tuner card, The Hauppauge 150 MCE edition.
No high end video card
No tons of HD space.

18 Posts

February 10th, 2006 11:00

I guess you guys kind of missed my point in a couple areas. First of all, I am relating to you my experience with this crummy limited OS when you try to do the things I tried to do with it, things that worked fine with my old machine with Win 2K and now work fine with this new one with XP-Home installed. It does not like a multitude of media editing software thrown on top of the Media Center, that is where the conflicts arise. Used as is, or with other software (it worked fine with all sorts of other software loaded, MS Office, full Adobe Acrobat, even Macromedia Studio MX and others, but the minute I started loading the previously mentioned software it started crashing. That kind of discounts any hardware problems, and the manner in which I described the loading and checking of the programs kind of proves what happened.

Do a little research on the web about this OS. First of all, what I said about it not being intended to be sold in this kind of system is absolutly true, and honestly I cannot believe MS has licensed it to Dell to be sold in systems that don't meet the intended specs per MS. Also, there are plenty of other unhappy users with this OS out there, many for other reasons.

Bottom line here? This OS is intended as a DVR, if you want an OS for other purposes you are much better off with one of the other XP OSs.

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

February 10th, 2006 16:00

I can't comment on your experience with the E510, but on my Dim 9100 I have been very satisfied with MCE.
I use several 3rd party media editors/burners with no conflicts, including Goldwave, Roxio easyCD, DVREdit, DVR 2 WMV, Adobe Photoshop, among others.
I agree that MCE is primarily usefull as a DVR, and if you don't want this you should probably avoid MCE. Conflicts with other apps have been reported, and one should research before getting this OS. That said, I have had very few problems with it, (including it's primary XP functions) and none that I couldn't resolve with a little research.

18 Posts

February 10th, 2006 17:00

One final thing, then I'll drop my tirade.

Well I'll be a son of a gun!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dell is OK after all, maybe. I called the other day to complain about this OS, they told me they couldn't send me a different OS like trade straight across for XP, they would only sell me Pro. So I complained that this OS was totally useless to me, and if I sent the system back it would end up costing me around $200, shipping and restock fee, so I told them I was unhappy and would not do business with them again, I could buy Pro online for a lot less than that.

Sooooooo...lo and behold, I check my email today, they sent my cc that I bought the computer with a $75 credit! I guess they aint so bad after all.

371 Posts

February 10th, 2006 19:00

I don't doubt you have the problems you describe but my experience has been just the opposite. I have a Dimension 8400 with MCE 2005 and am very satisfied.
I use it almost daily to record and burn TV. I use Nero 6.6, Movie Maker and several of the other authoring and burning applications you mentioned and have never had a problem. It runs for weeks at a time without rebooting . The only time I ever have to restart is for updates and installs that require it.
With the problems you describe I have to wonder if you perhaps have some borderline flaky hardware. RAM comes to mind as the problems you have seem to crop up with RAM intensive applications. You might consider running a full battery with memtest86 ( )
I appreciate that your experience has been frustrating but it is never the less anecdotal and not sufficient to qualify MCE as a "piece of complete and utter garbage" when others obviously can and do use it in ways you say "can't be done." I'd look for problems elsewhere.

3.2K Posts

February 10th, 2006 20:00

I have been using Media Center since it came out and doing all those things you said cannot be done with no problems.  I may not work on your machine, but it does on others

1 Message

February 11th, 2006 14:00

I have not had use of my two tuner cards since rollup 2.

I'm an x-MCSE, x-CCA...  x-Novell...  (expired...) and a few others...  working in this industry for years. Have servers and PCs at home and have hundreds of servers and thousands of workstations at work. Work with Windows and Linux all the time.

I even used to build and sell whiteboxes.

This product reminds me of windows 3.0 3.1, when it works... don't touch it.

I've have not re-installed yet.

I've been on Dell Chat support a few times.

On time the rep gave me MS phone number as a solution. Since I'm still active in the OEM side, I told him to get a supervisor... as that violated MS's OEM agreement in writting...

Anyway, I wish I was smart enough to get the right combo and not have to re-install the drivers... likely I'll give up and re-install all of the applications that I had installed prior to rollup 2.

I might as well give mythtv a try on the dell first, if it's doable.

Has anybody tried that yet?


18 Posts

February 16th, 2006 13:00

A followup here. Its been a week now since I trashcanned MCE and switched to XP-Home. Absolutely NONE of the problems I mentioned in the initial post, everything works flawlessly, I converted an hour long VHS to dvd last nite with no crashing or freezing of the programs as before.

BTW, tested the memory as suggested, no problems, but another gig of RAM will probably be a darn good idea doing what I'm doing.

My opinion now stands firmly, MCE is garbage.

Message Edited by jeeper1 on 02-16-2006 02:46 PM

56 Posts

February 16th, 2006 15:00

Agree.  I originally I had problems but Dell Diagnostic Program identified my CD Creator program as giving the problem.  Updated from CD Creator Site, problem was gone.  PC was purchased in Jan 05, is flawless and a good machine.  I do all the options available with MCE.  I dropped Sonic and contribute that to a smoother PC.
8400 XPMCE 2005

529 Posts

March 4th, 2006 19:00

@jeeper1 wrote:
A followup here. Its been a week now since I trashcanned MCE and switched to XP-Home. Absolutely NONE of the problems I mentioned in the initial post, everything works flawlessly, I converted an hour long VHS to dvd last nite with no crashing or freezing of the programs as before.

BTW, tested the memory as suggested, no problems, but another gig of RAM will probably be a darn good idea doing what I'm doing.

My opinion now stands firmly, MCE is garbage.

Message Edited by jeeper1 on 02-16-2006 02:46 PM

There is a chance that simply a fresh nuke and repave of MCE '05 would have had the same effect as switching to XP Home.

Dell's preconfigured OS installs are notoriously bad. I have never had a reliable Dell system where I didn't install the OS myself. (I have had no problems on any Dell where I did my own installation, and my E1705 seems so far to fall into that category - awful last night, running pretty well with a "mostly" virgin MCE install from the Dell installation disc.
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